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Artemisia (a variation of the name Artemis, Greek virgin goddess of the forest) Gentileschi was quite the fascinating Baroque artist (1593–1652). At a early age her father introduced her to the world of art. Much to her dismay one day her tutor raped the poor girl. This rape would later inspire many of her artwork that feature women taking vengeance upon men or men assaulting women. The intro painting is called Susana and the Elders made in 1910. Artemisia did this painting with the help of her father. The story portrayed above comes from the book of Daniel. Susana ,a...

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The first saint painting features Saint Francis of Assisi. He is a very important Catholic Saint. He traveled as far as the middle east to convert the "infidels". I think I mentioned this saint before. I hate repeating myself. Lets just continue. Here the saint is surrounded by angels. This arrangement is very similar to Gothic frescoes. They always had a lot of golden decorations.  The next painting is called "The Last Communion of St.Jerome". When a Saint, the Pope or a lay follower is near death, he usually receives his last communion. This communion is different from all the...

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Sandro Botticelli is an early Renaissance artist. During his time, he was among the first to move away completely from Gothic. His background and figures still carry a bit of the stylized gothic style. Over all, he attempted to mimic nature to the best of his abilities.  During this time period, a return to the Greek meant a resurfacing of human idealism. Now being a human is all that matter... Still, the church continued to call the shots in this Greek world. However, depictions of pagan Gods was no longer a taboo. With a rise of kingship and banking, there...

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This is the Last post on John William Waterhouse. This one will focus on Greek myths and women.  Its a real bummer that a Romanticism artist made lots of Greek artworks. This subject is common for the enemies of the Pre-Raphaelite movement. Still, Waterhouse took this classical subject matter with a Romanticism twist. You know, most of Waterhouse subject matter is depiction of women. Unlike his contemporaries, he is not judgmental about women. He shows different faces of them without succumbing to petty moralism.Now that this lil analysis is over, lets just get the show on the road. The first...

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Like other great romanticism artist, Waterhouse had an interest in medieval legends. That time of spirituality, saints and the bizarre fascinated those skeptic romanticist. They where tired of empty logic devoid of meaning. They sought to escape the new materialism. Thus, the looked into the past to find inspiration. Ok, the first painting features Saint Cecilia (1895). She was a blind saint popular during medieval times. She is know as the patron saint of Music. She was only a young teenage girl when the Romans had her killed (along with her husband). As they prepared to chop her head off,...

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