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I finally got around to completing my second episode of doll theater. The episodes are the ones that have an actual plot. The others are just skits and mini videos. This episode was like less than 3 minutes long. Still it was quite amusing. I did like 3 different voices in the video. With the voice of the bjd doll, I was like channeling a bit LSP. I wanted to make all the voices sound different enough. In this video, I used my short bjd doll and my two large LOL Surprise dolls. Those LOL Surprise dolls came with stands,...

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stop motion, video -

This is my new Doll Theater episode. It is a bit of a little documentary or fable type of skit. I wanted to try something a little different. This one features animals. The first one focuses on a tiger and a zebra. The second skit is the Tortoise and Hare story. The final skit is close encounters with the alien kind. For the alien I used a little Nendoroid of mine. I raised the music a bit because some people keep saying that the music is too low on the videos. Hopefully, I get this video just right. I changed...

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bjd, nintendo, photo, review, stop motion, stopmotion, video -

A couple of weeks ago, I started a new playthrough of the Hollow Knight. It was all going well till I ended up needing precise controlling. The pro controller was no help at all. I got tired of buying new Nintendo controllers for the Switch. It got to such a point that I was about to spend more money on controllers than on the actual console. This is what sparked me to look for a different Hobby. I don’t need Nintendo to amuse myself. I can play with dolls instead. Two week ago, I started experimenting with stop motion. In...

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animation, bjd, music, photos, stop motion, video -

This is another one of my silly stop motion videos. This one features a butchering of one of my favorite songs. I first heard Holy Diver on Guitar Hero. That was back during the days when the Playstation published good games. Anyhow, I sang the music for this video. I only used the first take. I thought it would make it more amusing. I have been thinking of translating some of my funny bjd stop motion videos. I mean, I know Spanish. I might as well use my other language for something. Use it or lose it, I suppose. Anyhow,...

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