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painting, watercolor -

I made two new watercolor self-portraits. They imitate the style of Vilen Barsky and Alla Horska. Both reference paintings are in black and white. My version has color. I do not like the monochrome look. It looks a bit unfinished. It is for this reason that I added color to my self-portraits.   The first painting shows Vilen Barsky’s wife. I cropped the reference material. I needed to make it a long vertical painting. Vertical paintings look better on Tiktok. Like all my artworks, I first drew the pencil, then I added ink over it. I erased the pencil lines...

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painting, watercolor -

I did two new watercolor self-portraits. In order to make these paintings, I first took two selfies. I used them as reference before rendering the finished artworks. The first painting was done Marjorie Strider Style. She is an American painter and sculptor. Her paintings have a lot of 3D elements. The rose in the reference works sticks out of the painting. I wasn’t able to do any 3D Art. Still, I mimicked the rest of the painting style. I painted the rose with glitter to add detail to it. The rest was just a matter of defining the rest of...

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painting, self portrait, watercolor -

Today, I wanted to show you my latest watercolor paintings. The first one was done Seurat style. Georges Seurat is the inventor of pointillism. It is a style where you use dots in order to make a painting. The dots are usually of primary colors. They blend together optically when you move away from the painting. I recently read a biography about him. He died young because he liked maidens more than he liked painting. A good chunk of the impressionist painters died for that very reason, with the exception of Degas and Monet. Both men were too busy painting...

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painting, self portrait, watercolor -

Today, I wanted to show you my two new self-portraits. Technically, they are eight self-portraits. I did another four sets of paintings, in the style of one artist. I chose these two painters due to their unique styles. I thought that it would make some interesting portraits. This painting series has been quite amusing. I am always challenging myself with a new art style. I try not to repeat myself. I am going to talk first about Richard Hamilton.   His self-portrait where 4 photos with some paint slammed over the face. It seemed like something easy that I could...

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painting, self portrait, watercolor -

I did two new self-portraits. They were done with ink and watercolor paints. I first drew the face with pencil. I then added the ink before erasing the pencil lines. Lastly, I added the watercolor paints. This is the basic steps I take when painting watercolors. I am going to now talk about the paintings in specific. The first painting I made was done Howard Finster style. I first took a selfie. I then drew myself. I was not trying to do a carbon copy of the original self-portrait. Rather, I am just trying to mimic the style. I noticed...

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