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anime, book, watercolor -

This is another one of those chapter images. I have not made any new ones. I have also been thinking of making a new front cover for it. I am not too satisfied with the one I made the first time. I suppose I should try and see what other people come up with, and then make my own. Then again, I prefer doing my own thing. I could be jockey and have the front cover have nothing to do with the actual plot of the story. Just think of it as a bit of a tease. Would that bother...

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book, painting, watercolor -

This is another chapter image for my fantasy book. It is a bit of a work in process. On their own, people seem to like them a lot. I put a lot of thought into the chapter images. I first reread the chapter and the pick a scene. It is important that the chapter image intrigues people, but that it doesn’t reveal much of the plot. If you get the entire plot just from one image, people will not have the incentive to read the rest of the chapter. If they can just scroll through the book and just read...

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book, drawing, watercolor -

This is another one of the in between chapter images I created for my book. I have been loosing a bit of steam with that idea. It is a bit of a pain to insert the images into the word document. I also do not know how it will look in the final book. For now, I am going to give it a rest with my watercolor paintings. I have been thinking of getting back to my graphic novel project. I am trying to get Pokemon out of my system, so I decided to make a manga about it. It...

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book, fantasy, painting, watercolor -

Last night, I completed this lovely watercolor painting. As of late, I have been practicing with my watercolors. The style is obviously anime. I first drew the figures with pencils. Afterwards, I drew over them with a pen. I then cleaned out all the pencil marks to make it all nice and sleek. I then did the colors with watercolors. I first saw this drawing technique in an old anime book I read in High School. I do not remember the title. However, I do remember the subject matter. It was about Mangaka artists and their techniques. One of the...

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art, book, photo, watercolor -

Recently, I made this cute front cover for one of my books. I painted it with watercolor and the lines were done with ink. The ink I chose came from my Sakura Pigma Micron watercolor pens. As for the Watercolors, they came from US art supply. The scene shows my protagonist dancing. The columns are from the castle. It took me about two days to complete the painting. I used to do a bit of Watercolor in High School. It is interesting to revisit a skill you have not used in decades. It is good to see that I still...

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