Front Cover for My Unpublished Fantasy Book

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Front Cover for My Unpublished Fantasy Book

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Last night, I completed this lovely watercolor painting. As of late, I have been practicing with my watercolors. The style is obviously anime. I first drew the figures with pencils. Afterwards, I drew over them with a pen. I then cleaned out all the pencil marks to make it all nice and sleek. I then did the colors with watercolors. I first saw this drawing technique in an old anime book I read in High School. I do not remember the title. However, I do remember the subject matter. It was about Mangaka artists and their techniques. One of the fellows painted in such a fashion.

It has been more than a decade since I last painted. I think I did a pretty good job with it. The fairy is the protagonist. I based her design on a type of moth. I think it was called attacus atlas. The wings is the main source of color on this maiden. For a background, I contrasted it with the other fellow. I would speak more of the book, but it is still unpublished, so this is all you have to work with. Needless to say, it is a fantasy book. It takes place for the most part in the forest. As such, here we have the fairies and everything related to them. 

The guy behind her is just a quiet, fellow. Nothing else needs to be said. So, look forward to this early sneak peek. I am still working on getting some of my other work published. For now, I am working to get the poetry up and running. In the last moment, I decided to change the front covers and apparently this minor change is a big deal. All, in all, this publishing business is quite a bother. It puts food on the table. The series still needs 4 more books to be completed, but lately I am getting bored of fantasy and magic.

I think I will tack a whack at science fiction. I know enough about-pseudo science and I have seen enough sci fi movies to get the gist. My brother also has some interesting ideas about the subject matter. He says that eventually science will be so great that its miracles will resemble magic. So, with that premise I will go on dauntlessly. The plot is based on a really long dream that I had. Lately, a lot of my short stories are based on dreams. 

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