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beach, ocean, photo, resort -

This is a photo I took on the way out of Mexico. I was on the plane and the sun was setting. People with good cameras should take photos when they get a chance. The photo illustrates the Mayan Coast. At least, this is what I think. We landed in the Mayan Coast. So, I guess all the nearby areas belong to that locality. It is interesting to see the two sides of the water. One looks crystal clear and the other was murky. I am not a big fan of flying on planes. I recently discovered that I suffer...

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photo, scenery, travel -

It is rather rare that a I get a chance to get a wide view of the city. This photo is from Cartagena Colombia. It shows most of the city as seen from the Convent on top of the mountain. It gives a nice perspective on the city. The light does not help it one bit. It makes the city look bleak and dismal. I was only there for a week, and when I went walking into the city itself, I hated it. I thought I was going to get mugged everywhere I went.  There is a lot of poverty...

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garden, photo, rose -

For the last two months, there has been a bit of drought in Florida.  A lot of grasses have burned up killing trees in their wake. I saw in a documentary that grasses sometimes randomly dry up, even when they don't have to. Grasses are insidious like that some times. They do so whenever they are getting too much competitions from trees. Anyhow, recently, the rains started to return. This allowed for this beautiful rose to blossom. A few other buttons are growing along with it. My family as of late is not too big in on photographing the garden....

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photo, photograph, pool, water -

Today, I was feeling a bit nostalgic about going pool. As such, I felt like talking about water and waterproof cameras. One would think that with the technology already existing, people would do more underwater photography. Even in professional shows, they rather fake it, than get down in there. It is not so hard, just get a nice face mask, and a one of those waterproof cameras, and then snap pictures. The thing with most of these photos, it that one cannot tell how it comes out till you get the camera out of its protective casing. I do not...

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butterflies -

When I was taking my photography class, my teacher always warned about cliché photos. For some reason, she was quite the party pooper. She hated rainbows, and butterflies and all the classic clichés. Anyhow, for one of my finals I sent her a photo of a couple of clichés. I ended up getting a decent grade on my photos. Among the things we learned was about the camera formats. Jpeg is the smallest file format. It does not matter much if your photo is on the computer. If you wish to print a photo, this is where png comes in....

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Artsy's Choice