Much Ado About Water

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Much Ado About Water

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Today, I was feeling a bit nostalgic about going pool. As such, I felt like talking about water and waterproof cameras. One would think that with the technology already existing, people would do more underwater photography. Even in professional shows, they rather fake it, than get down in there. It is not so hard, just get a nice face mask, and a one of those waterproof cameras, and then snap pictures.

The thing with most of these photos, it that one cannot tell how it comes out till you get the camera out of its protective casing. I do not know much about using my little Odrum camera. It has only 3 gigabites of space. The lens is rather small. However, it was boosted because it does the fish eye effect. It is less noticeable when viewing things that are not straight.

These types of weak lens camera can, and do work well, but only under specific conditions. They work best when the sun is brightest, which is at high noon. Most professionals would tell you to wait till early morning, or close to dusk time. However, for this type of camera I recommend high noon. With a strong light ,the shutter speed can gain some much needed momentum.

This allows for quality photos that do not look blurry or moved. As for this photo, it was taken in a shaded area. The clouds were not working with me. However, enough light penetrated the clouds to get some much needed idle work done. The one splashing me is my mother. I asked her to do that to take an interesting photo for a change. It came out rather neat, don't you think?

So, if you are tired of taking the same types of photos, try an underwater camera and give it a whirl. You do not need to enter the ocean, if you are afraid of the fishes, or can't swim. Everything can be done from the safety of the shallow area and while wearing a floater, and a good scuba mask. Though, that might be a bit excessive. 

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