flowers RSS

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I did a new flower photoshoot. I like to window shop for flowers. It is always a joy to look at the plants.   The problem is that as soon as I replant them, my new flowers die.   The ones that tend to last longer are the flowers that I planted from seeds.   Gardening has been a bit of a pain as of lately. The weather is just simple awful.   When it is not raining, it is super cold. Winter has officially arrived to Florida.   It hasn’t snowed yet. It might. I am just exaggerating. It...

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flower, flowers, garden, gardening, photo, photos -

It had been a while since I did floral photography. So, I left my house in search of inspiration. There really are not a lot of good places to photograph flowers.   A few days later, my folks visited the local Home Depot. I figured that they had flowers.   So, I went to photograph that. Most of them were slim pickings.   It is the winter season after all. There is not a lot of cute flowers to photograph.   Most of the roses were in their dormant states.   I still did manage to photograph an interesting rosebush...

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I made a new background for Doll Theater. This is just what I call my bjd doll photoshoots. I went for a bit of a vogue type of look. I started by making black lines. I used blue tape to make the perfect black lines. I added a bit of a splash spray effect to give if a more galaxy look. When I felt that there was something missing, I added glitter. In the sides, I made some heart shaped glitter patterns. In the middle, I did my palm prints. After removing the tape, it was time to add the...

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flower, flowers, photo, photos -

I wanted to show you some cute flower photos. I do not often get the chance to photograph flowers. There are not a lot of flowers in my garden.   I would add more if I could afford them. Then again, it isn’t as if I have a lot of time to look after flowers. I work better with papayas. My papaya trees are finally producing fruit.   I had to put a bib on the fruits to keep the bugs from getting at them. Even in their small form, their sugary sweetness lures a lot of bugs. Even the...

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flower, flowers, photo, photos -

Today, I wanted to show you a few photos I took of my orchid flowers.   I got them as a gift after I got out the hospital. They were a nice gift because they do not have pollen.   Pollen tends to make me sneeze a lot. Pollen has a way of moving about.   You do not need to be near it in order for it to affect you. The long and short of it is that I liked the present.   The orchids were two different flavors of purple. One was a solid color, while the other...

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