flowers RSS

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Today, I wanted to show you some photos I took a bit of a long time ago. They had been originally posted in my Blogger website.   Since my blogger went the way of the dinosaur, I figured I would post it in my Artsy Sister website.   Without any more introductions, I wanted to show you some closeup photos that I took.   When I was in Florida International University, I took a photography class as part of my Journalism Major.   Such a class wasn’t required for my major.   Still, I figured that a journalist should learn...

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flower, flowers, garden, photo, photos -

Today, I wanted to write a little short blog about flowers. It doesn’t matter where I go.   If I see a flower, I am compelled to photograph it. I didn’t see too many flowers variety when I was down in Mexico.   There were a few interesting ones here and there.   The entrance to Xcaret also had an interesting looking flower bowl. All in all, I didn’t photograph that many flowers.   I suppose that the summer heat did a number on the flowers.   The place was practically boiling in some places, like the Mayan Pyramids of...

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butterfly, flower, flowers, painting, watercolor -

I got around to posting my two new watercolor paintings. They are based on butterflies I photographed in the wild. The wild is a bit of an exaggeration. I saw them in a butterfly preserve in Key West. It still works just as well. It is interesting to experience butterflies with your own two eyes, in the real world. I have a serious bug phobia. Still, that doesn’t stop me from appreciating the beauty of butterflies. As long as they do not land on me, I can be super peachy about it. The other part of the painting is choosing...

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butterfly, flower, flowers, painting, watercolor -

Today, I wanted to show you my latest watercolor butterfly paintings. I try to paint two of these watercolor paintings per week. It is a nice change of pace from my regular art projects. In the background, I am working on the latest Scary Cat Children’s Book and the Sacred Mask 5. Both take time to develop. For now, I am going to focus on my new watercolor paintings. All these butterflies can be seen in the Butterfly Preserve of Key West. I do not think they are native butterflies to Florida. I was only able to find the names...

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butterflies, butterfly, flower, flowers, painting, watercolor -

It is so difficult to identify butterflies when you only have a photograph to work with. It was easy for me to guess what they were if I photographed them in the wild. The ones you see in these two watercolor paintings were photographed in the Key West Butterfly preserve. They are not native to Florida, but the preserve provides them with all the flowers they need to live long and prosper. I originally started painting one type of butterfly at a time. In the second painting, I showed you two. These butterflies all live in the same butterfly preserve,...

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