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This weekend I went to the Cheesecake Factory. I had a free cheesecake, so that was the main reason for the visit. We had also gone to the mall to return few outfits and to get mother a new dress. Once we got that out of the way, we went to eat food. We started with the breads. They were super yummy and fresh. I am a picky bread eater. The bread has to be really good for me to rant about it. For our main course, we had the cheeseburger sliders, the house salad, the avocado rolls and the...

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Jennifer's Body Teenage Horror Movie Review Jennifer's Body is a perfect example on what not to do in a horror movie. Putting the true intentions of the creators aside, this movie was pretty peachy, for a horror movie. It did have the proper elements. As for the comedy, it did have some witty moments here and there. For now, I want to discuss its one and only flaw. Originally, this movie was targeted to the teenage horror movie audience. All the characters in the movie were teenagers living the scary teenage experience. Heck, the climax of the movie took place...

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The Terminator Series I recently got around to re-watching the Terminator movies. The Terminator movies are important to me. They defined my childhood a lot. The first Terminator movie that I saw was the Terminator 2. For order purposes, I will start with the first part. I noticed a lot of neat things in the DVD on TV commentaries. For being a movie of the 80s, it was pretty good. Like we all know, the first movie focused on Sarah Conner and Kyle Reese. I thought it was pretty silly the fashion of the 80s. Seriously, the glitter jacket of...

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Darkness Falls I got bored of rating kids movies. Thus, I thought I would rate a few 5 stars worthy scary movies. At a certain point, scary movies got disgusting. Via the special effects, scary movies became impossible, intolerable for me to watch. Interesting enough, 5 minutes of today's scary movies allowed me to watch a lot of old scary movies. Yeah, in comparison to today's scary movies, the old stuffs are child's play. You get, it? That's the name of a scary movie! Nah, you are no fun. Well, onto Darkness Falls! Darkness Falls is about an evil monster...

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Atlantis: The Lost Empire I watched the Atlantis Disney movie a few years ago. I only watched it once. Even now, I still remember its complete awesomeness. The second part was not too hilarious. I think this was one of the few movies where people did not spontaneously break into songs. The mysterious mood created by Disney also worked pretty well. Like we all know, this story is about Milo and Kida. Kida is the princess of Atlantis. Milo found Atlantis by following the notes written by his dead father. The bad guys in this story are some random guys...

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Artsy's Choice