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game, games, nintendo, review, reviews -

BattleToads Nintendo Game Battletoads was the first Nintendo two player game I ever played. By the age of 6, I had finally gotten a second controller. This game was a bit weird around the edges. However, it was pretty humoring. The stages in the game changed a lot. This game was a bit less sideways about everything. It game you more freedom of movement. However, I never made it past the area that came after the falling down stage. It got into one of those super annoying obstacle courses that no one can ever beat. So, that was the end...

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Ranma ½ Manga Review Ranma ½ was one of the first mangas I ever read. Later on, I did try to watch the anime show. I wasn't able to watch it. It could have also been the fault of bad English duds. Anyhow, the manga was about Ranma who was training to be a martial artist. His father takes him to town one day to meet his arranged fiancé. His fiancé does not like men. Ranma also has his own issues. One day while training, he falls into a cursed lake. Whenever he is exposed to cold water, he turns into...

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The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka Recently I reread the novella Metamorphosis. I cannot help but identify with Gregor Samsa. Not in body, but in spirit. He used to be so self-sufficient and then he woke up one morning in the form of a hideous vermin. The first time I read it, I could half understand it. You need a certain degree of knowledge of the English language in order to understand it. In my opinion, it is better to read it in English than in Spanish. English is closer to the original German language. Thus, it makes for a better...

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food, foodie, photo, review, reviews -

In South Florida, there is a donut Franchise called Mojo Donuts. They specialize in making Gourmet donuts. I developed a taste for donuts thanks to the Simpsons. I used to order from the usual places, Donkin Donuts and Crispy Cream. One day, I was browsing through Uber Eats when I saw Mojo Donuts. I was drawn to the fanciness of the donuts. I ended up getting 12 donuts the first time. I had underestimated the size of those donuts. These days I only get a box of six donuts, 3 for me and 3 for my brother. Since I am...

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