Nintendo Games Review: Battle Toad, Double Dragon, Dragon Spirit

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Nintendo Games Review: Battle Toad, Double Dragon, Dragon Spirit

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BattleToads Nintendo Game

Battletoads was the first Nintendo two player game I ever played. By the age of 6, I had finally gotten a second controller. This game was a bit weird around the edges. However, it was pretty humoring.

The stages in the game changed a lot. This game was a bit less sideways about everything. It game you more freedom of movement. However, I never made it past the area that came after the falling down stage.

It got into one of those super annoying obstacle courses that no one can ever beat. So, that was the end of my Battle Toads experience. 

Double Dragon Nintendo Game

This was another two player Nintendo game that I played with my brother. I was the blue guy. I do not remember much about the game.

The only thing that comes to mind is that there was a lot of sword fighting.

I can't remember much of the plot. I think it was based on a US graphic novel cartoon show. Either way, it was pretty interesting. 

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Nintendo Game

I played Who Framed Roger Rabbit the Nintendo game at the age of nine. It was based on an animated movie by the same name. Like the movie, you have to investigate a lot of places.

I like the whole world map concept used in this Nintendo game. It was pretty fun and long. The hardest part about the game was the Weasel patrol.

You had to answer the questions in a hilarious fashion or else Roger Rabbit Dies. There was a lot of things to discover in the game. In Toon Town, the shoes kinda killed you. It was a pretty silly game.

 Part of the mission was finding the pieces of the Will. It fragments where scattered all over the place. They were kinda protected by dogs or other weird things. I remember that one was protected by a Toon snake.

You needed to give it a rattle for its tail. The final boss was kinda hard to beat. You usually ran out of power really early. Thus, you had to resort to punching the lights out of him.

Around the end, the Judge goes kinda crazy. Either way, I managed to win the game. It was easy because the cheat that unlocks all the powers was really easy to figure out. I think it was all H or all A. I forget. In any case, Who Framed Roger Rabbit was a fun game. 

Dragon Spirit Nintendo Games Review

Dragon Spirit is among the hardest Nintendo games I ever played. Seriously, people! The game itself is kinda weird. You start off as the Blue Dragon. If you win, then you play in hard mode.

If you lose, then you play as the son of the Blue Dragon. Basically, you raise a sword to the sky and you become a super cool Dragon. I think you have to defeat an evil wizard or something. The boss battles themselves are really hard. You sorta have to collect powers as you go along.

The best powers are the ones that allow you to become the three headed green Dragon. The Green Dragon has the strongest firepower. As for the three heads, we all know that three heads kill better than one. I am not too big on the little helpers.

You have to choose between three heads or the baby Dragon companions. With the smaller ones you get more range. Then again, if you want scatter shots it is best to go with the white dragon. That one gets the job done. However, with boss battles its best to focus all your burning fire on one area.

After the boss battles, you get to rescue a princess. Sometimes, whenever you did really bad in the level, the Princess would appear as a grey Silhouette. I do not know if that was programed into the game.

Perhaps, my malfunctioned. Either way, it gave you the incentive to do good on each of the levels. From all the Princesses, I liked best the one from the second world. This was the fire world in the storyline of the blue dragon. She was a little fire princess. I think she was pretty cute.

Speaking of Worlds, the hardest one was the last one and the one with the faucets. When I talk about faucets, I refer to the pointy borders that expanded and contracted. You had to be quick or else be eaten raw.

That poor blue dragon got the short end of the stick. He was so cool around the edges. Dragon Spirit really showed you the true spirit of Dragon fighting. 

Felix the Cat Nintendo Games Review

Felix the Cat was another silly little Nintendo game that I liked a lot. I later discovered that it was based on an old Cartoon. Basically, an evil scientist has Kidnapped Felix's girlfriend. He must then go rescue her. This Nintendo game is based on powers.

When you get enough Felix heads, you receive a heart that allows Felix's powers to evolve. I remember that his powers varied from location to location. He had different powers depending on whether it was an air world, a land world, a water world or an outer space location. It turns out that the final boss had escaped Earth's orbit. Those Space stages where really hard.

Like the Super Mario Nintendo Games, Felix the Cat had many hidden worlds. Mostly, it was just to obtain lots of Felix heads. I remember that if you shot at clouds that had the Final Boss's face, it would sometimes shoot out a life or something.

It was an interesting little detail. As for Felix powers, I like best the magician and the airplane forms. They had a very cute design. Plus, the noises they made when their powers where released sounded really cute.

My favorite world was the one that took place at the Pyramids of Giza. There were a lot of interesting sights and wonders. Overall, this old Nintendo game is still really fun.

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Ghostbusters 2 Nintendo Games Review

The Nintendo game Ghostbusters 2 is based on the movie Ghostbusters. I never saw the movie. However, I at least played the game. I also remember watching one or twice the Ghostbusters cartoon show.

Anyhow, this game is about catching some poltergeists. I remember that the first world was kinda easy. However, the stage that was overkill was the obstacle course. Seriously, why so many bumps on the roads.

That place had worse maintenance than the Cuban streets. Seriously, you could literally die from falling into one of those holes. I made it very far in this game. Among the weirdest battles was the one using the statue of liberty to fight the spooks.

I think Hamlet or Macbeth was the final boss in this game. It's kinda weird that a final boss is a fictional Shakespearean character. All in all, it was a vanilla experience.

Home Alone 2, Lost in New York Nintendo Games

Interesting enough, I played the Nintendo game Home Alone 2, Lost in New York a few days after seeing the movie. It followed the storyline to the letter. More or less.

The game actually begins when Kevin is muscle out of the hotel. In the first mission, you must outmaneuver the ushers who want to catch you. There are a lot of powers and items that you can get in this level.

Mostly, they help you make traps, like in the movie. The hardest area in the game is the one in the abandon house. Like the movie, there are a lot of pits and falls.

The ending battle goes on a bit of a tangent. He did not defeat the Robbers at the Christmas tree. For all its weirdness, this little Nintendo game was amusing.

Zoda's Revenge Nintendo Games

I never got what Zoda's Revenge the Nintendo game was about. I think it had something to do with rescuing a princess or something. Either way, what was interesting about the game was its internal saving system.

I still do not know how they did it. Anyhow, the story centers a kid that falls into a book. I remember that he passes through many historical moments. I think either a monkey who was Merlin, or a Merlin who was a monkey taught him some magic.

This star power was the one that was needed to defeat the major bosses. When my friend lent me the game, he had two files. One was closed to the end, the other was at the beginning. I made my own file, I made it as far as the dragon.

However, I could not slay the beast. Out of curiosity, I played under his file and managed to win the game. The ending was pretty interesting. This game is woven by numerous of riddles and mazes. It is really interesting.

For a while, I imagined that the kid was traveling though time. The first world is during the ice ages. The enemies are some pigs. The next world was Egypt. The Spinx was in my opinion the hardest dungeon in the game.

Speaking of history, there are a few ahistorical events in this game. For starters, the Pharaoh gives you permission to enter the Spinx after you give him pizza. In another instance, you convince Leonardo Da Vince to give the Mona Lisa short hair.

You then ride his flying helicopter machine. I could spend days talking about this interesting Nintendo game. However, I am going to cut the review short. It was a fun game. Do play it.

Shatterhand Action Nintendo Game Review

The Nintendo game, Shatterhand, is one that I enjoyed playing a lot. Basically, you are this cool guy who has to defeat this robot guy. As you go along, you get some power nodes. When you get three, you get robot powers.

They varied depending on three combinations. If you get all of the same three, then you summon up an armor suit. Other mismatch combinations reveal different powers.

You see, the armor does not last forever. Sometimes, it is best to call up a little helper. The little helpers stay forever unless they get defeated. They can handle a lot of blows to the head.

Without the powers, you simply fight with your fists. They work pretty well. However, the boss battles are really hard. So, it is recommended that you have some fire powers. The hardest world in this game is the water world.

Like the regular megaman game, you fight all the bosses again in the final dungeon. The final boss is hard to get to. You can get to him with your most powerful form. However, it always wears off before defeating him.

Thus, you have to fight him most of the time with your hands. You know, one time I slew the beast, but he shot me before dying. My life bar was really low. Thus, we both slew one another. I did win the second time around. In any case, the awesome Shatterhand the Nintendo game. I recommend it.

Motocross or Excitebike Action Nintendo Game Review

Motocross is a Nintendo Motocycle game. You either play the competition courses or you make your own race tracts. The Motocycles are like the regular kind.

They overheat if you accelerate too much. As for the courses, the obstacles are really far out. Some are really hard to overcome.

However, there is one obstacle in specific that is really hard. I used to repeat this obstacle over and over. The computer could not handle it.

One time, my mom was playing this course and she said this game should be called Matacross (Mata as in killer). It was fun.

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