Barbie in Brown and in Blue Starry Dresses

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Barbie in Brown and in Blue Starry Dresses

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I did a new duet Barbie photoshoot. Here we see the blonde and brunette Barbie together. The blonde Barbie is from the Barbie movie. The brunette is a Signature Teresa doll.

Teresa is the name of Barbie’s brunette friend. They both are sporting cute Spring dresses. I photographed them in standing, sitting and portrait photos. I hope that the photos I took make you smile. 

Let us move things along shall we. I still have plenty of Barbie dresses that I haven’t shown you. I am trying to keep the photoshoots nice and fresh. Once summer starts, I will probably do another swimsuit photoshoot. 

I already go the spring break one out of the way. So, it is best to leave the rest of the swimsuits for the summer months. Well, this is about it as far as my nonsense is concerned.

You can check out the new doll videos in my Artsy Sister Youtube and Tiktok Channel. Please like and subscribe. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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