BJD Doll Chateau Lilian, Titania and Ashley Photoshoot

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BJD Doll Chateau Lilian, Titania and Ashley Photoshoot

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Today, I did a new photoshoot featuring all my Doll Chateau bjd dolls. It had been a while since I did a photoshoot of my newest doll, Lilian.

artsy sister, doll chateau, bjd dolls

She is a cute little kid. Kid is another word for goat. For the background, I went for a bit of a floral pattern, to contrast it with the geometrical floor.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, bjd fairy

Mainly, I was just making things up as I went along. I tend to use the mirror prop often.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, bjd dolls

I have been thinking of getting a larger mirror prop. I also need it to be light enough to move about at my leisure.

 artsy sister, handmade doll, doll chateau

There is limited storage space in my house, and I need to arrange things accordingly. I tried to keep the poses quite varied.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

The order was standing, sitting, reclining and portrait photographs. I took most of the photos with flash.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

It is interesting to note the differences between the goat bjd doll, and her sisters. Both were made by the same artist.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, bjd dolls

Yes, they look quite different from one another. The biggest difference comes in the form of the limbs and the torso.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

The anatomy of the goat doll is a little bit more realistic, while her sisters are skinny little twigs.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, cute dolls

The hoofs of the goat doll are quite stable She can stand on her own with very little effort.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

The motion of her hands is a little less snappy. The string allows for more fluid motion.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

As noticeable of all Doll Chateau dolls, the makeup is extremely beautiful. They are really experts at rendering faces.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

I need to get around to changing Ashley’s dress. I need to pick something that is perfect for the winter season.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

Not that there is any true winter in Florida. I am still brainstorming a Thanksgiving themed photoshoot.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, bjd dolls

I want to highlight the tradition of overstuffing one’s face. I am really hungry right now.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

This is why I can only think of food when I am writing this blog. The ants have gotten craftier.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

They found the cupcakes on top of the fridge. All those sweets tainted by the little bugs.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

Aside from playing with bjd dolls, I have been playing the game Prey. It keeps me quite amused.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

I have a new writing project that is almost halfway done. This is about it as far as my dolly blog is concerned.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

If the stars align, I might be able to upgrade the outfits of my dolls. I have about 12 dollies.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, bjd

I think my collection is big enough. Then again, my display case always has room enough for one more doll.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

I like to window show for bjd dolls. It is always amusing to just marvel at the beautiful designs of dolls that you do not own.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll chateau

The Doll Chateau dolls always have quite the unique design. I think I wrote enough for one day. This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. See you later, alligator.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, photoshoot

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