BJD Doll Titania Portrait and Poses Photoshoot

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BJD Doll Titania Portrait and Poses Photoshoot

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I did the first official photoshoot of my new bjd doll Titania. I did both portrait and varied poses. It tried to keep them all nice and fresh.

artsy sister, bjd doll, fairy bjd

The new doll can stand rather well, in spite the fact that she sports high heels. It is interesting to note the different between one Doll Chateau made in 2018 and one made 4 years later.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, titania

The artist responsible for making these dolls has certainly improved its skill. In the photoshoot, I used my bicycle as part of a prop.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, bjd fairy

I can anchor the fairy wings to it easily. This helps me pose the bjd doll better. I also used my trusty mirror prop. The mirror is used to hide my domino set.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, doll chateau

The set is heavy enough to provide some support for the dolls. I tend not to rely too much on doll stands. They tend to distract a bit, when taking photos.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, bjd doll

It also makes the photos look less natural. By working around gravity, I add realism to the photos of my dolls. I also used a few tiny vases for décor, as well as a fake rose.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, fairy bjd

I do not have much to work with, but I try my best with my bjd doll photoshoots. With the photos, I tried to keep all the poses quite varied.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, bjd

I have a couple of pose books, as well as painting references. Classical paintings are a great tool for posing your dolls.

 artsy sister, handmade doll, doll chateau fairy

The dead painters spent a lot of time working on their composition. If you use a painting as reference, you can sort of skip a couple of steps.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, doll chateau photo

I tend to use flash in all my photos. I try to work with the distance of the camera. If I shoot the photo too close to the doll, it makes the background look quite dark.

 artsy sister, doll chateau bjd, doll chateau wallpaper

Since the doll has a black dress, even with a light background, I end up having to retake the photo a couple of times. I do not Photoshop my photos.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, fairy bjd

At the most, I do a bit of basic cropping. It is a bit of a pain to be editing the photos all the time.

 artsy sister, doll chateau bjd, doll chateau fairy

As my photography teacher once said, if you need to use a lot of photoshoot on one picture, you might as well take the photo again.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, bjd doll

Working with that idea, I do not edit my photos.

 artsy sister, blue fairy, bjd doll

I try to make them come out perfect the first time.

 artsy sister, doll chateau photo, handmade doll

It is all a matter of finding the right camera settings.

 artsy sister, blue fairy, bjd doll

Once the camera gets the proper kick in the teeth, the rest is easy.

 artsy sister, blue fairy, fairy doll

Speaking of camera, I lost the lens protector on my last trip.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, bjd doll

I should get around to buying a new one, but I just don’t feel like it.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, dolls

I keep putting it off, till doomsday.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, blue fairy

Aside from taking dolly photos, I have been making progress with the new book.

 artsy sister, fashion model, handmade doll

I have also drawn some new pages of the manga.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, bjd doll

All in all, I took about 30 something photos of the new fairy bjd doll.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, handmade doll

The wings are simply amassing.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, photoshoot

I think this is about it as far as nonsense is concerned.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, handmade doll

I hope you look forward to next week’s bjd doll photoshoot.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, photos

I try to do it on a weekly schedule, in order to keep things organized.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, handmade doll

I need to make time for all my hobbies.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, blue fairy doll

The Artsy Sister Teresita Blanco is done for today.

 artsy sister, blue fairy, handmade dolls

Good night.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, handmade doll

Or good morning.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, handmade doll

I got nothing else to rant about.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, cute

I like the nice wings of my fairy doll.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, doll chateau eunice

Her original name is Eunice.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, doll

I think.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, handmade dolls

I am almost done adding the photos.

 artsy sister, doll chateau, cute

Have fun, guys.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, kawaii

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