Blue Cat BJD Doll Dearmine in Blue Dress

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Blue Cat BJD Doll Dearmine in Blue Dress

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Today, I did a new bjd doll photoshoot. I had my bjd doll dearmine cat sporting a blue dress.

artsy sister, bjd, blue dress

I also changed up her ears. This is the good thing about having magnetic ears.

artsy sister, dearmine bjd, bjd

If you get bored of their original ears, you can just swap them out.

artsy sister, bjd, doll

She is currently using the ears that belong to my blue fox doll.

 artsy sister, bjd, cute

It is a perfect fit. I did some photo manipulation to focus on the color blue.

 artsy sister, bjd, cute shoes

This helps to highlight all the blue that is found on the kitty cat and her surroundings.

artsy sister, bjd, high heels

The gimmick is done by a camera effect.

 artsy sister, blue dress, cute

My camera has a bunch of settings.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

It is fun to fiddle with them every so often.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

I was bored of doing traditional bjd doll photoshoots.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

I took two types of photographs. One focusing on the color blue and the other with all the colors of the rainbow.

artsy sister, bjd, doll

The photoshoot featured standing, sitting, lying down and portrait photographs.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

It is just your standard photoshoot. There was nothing too far out there.

 artsy sister, bjd, cute dolls

I am in a bit of a window-shopping mode.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

I have been thinking of getting new bjd doll dresses.

 artsy sister, bjd, blue dress

I might get outfits for some of my bigger dolls.

 artsy sister, bjd, blue dress

I still have a couple of shirts for guy doll that he hasn’t worn.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

As far as dresses for my middle dolls, I have been thinking of getting a new ballerina outfit.

 artsy sister, bjd, blue hair

They are a tad costly, but still worth it considering how the dolls looks when they wear the outfit.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

This is all brainstorming and whatnot.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

I have been working a lot on my books as of lately.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

I think I might be able to finish the Sacred Mask 5 before August.

 artsy sister, bjd, wig

I do things at my own pace.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

This is one of the perks of being your own boss.

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

You make your own deadlines.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

It is rare for me to suffer from writer’s block.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

I often find myself full of a bunch of ideas.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

In any case, I hope you like my latest bjd doll photoshoot.

 artsy sister, bjd, doll

My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.  

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

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