Chibi Manga Work in Process

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Chibi Manga Work in Process

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This is another one of my cute chibi comics. It is part of the book of Job. Here God is telling the devil about his amassing follower. The devil then argues that Job is only faithful because he has a nice house and living family. Seeing his point, God then gives free reins to the devil to ruin Job’s life, to see if Job still likes God. The book of Job was written by Job himself. He wanted to make sense of all the misfortunes that were befalling him. He thought it was to test his faith. As for me, I think bad or good things happen because of a side effect of freewill. Everything in the world has some degree of free will. As such, when our freewill clashes with the will of another fellow, bad things might happen. There is also larger processes in the form of the weather, and the rotation of the planets. These things have a rhythm to them, and they seem to be automated. As such, you cannot bargain with a storm, because a storm is not alive. As such, it doesn’t have a free will. This is just a lot of suppositions, and random things that I think about when I am not doing anything in particular.

I had plenty to think about yesterday. My family and I went to the Florida Keys. At first, mother wanted to go to only a couple of keys, but we ended up driving all the way to Key West. Key West if the southernmost point of the US. It has a spot visited by a lot of tourists. From a certain post, there is only 80 miles to Cuba. A lot of Cuban folks go there to moan or complain. Since there was a line, we did not bother to go to it. We stayed in a café that overlooked a beach. A lot of people by the coast, where taking photos. We lingered there for like two hours. In part, because we were waiting for Nachos. The woman forgot all about our Nachos, as such we kept sitting there waiting ,for like forever. In the end, we ordered instead more popcorn shrimp and then we started to walk about a bit. It had been quite a number of years since last we visited the Keys. We were curious to see how Irma had left the place. Indeed, it was not the same. Even in natural areas, there were places that seemed dead or destroyed. The mobile houses were mostly empty. A few segments of the wilderness also had a rotting smell. While going there, we started scouting for Pokestops and Gyms. The gym situation was pretty competitive. We were only able to keep each occasional gym for about two hours.

artsy sister,art supplies,sakura pigma micron

When we arrived to Key West, the first place we visited was the Parrot Keys. It was a resort we liked visited. However, Irma ripped the place a new one. For a while, I think it is going to be a bit expensive, while they recuperate their losses. After seeing the place, we made our way towards the beach. The Keys have plenty of public parking. Since it was the off season, we were able to get a lot out of our visit. We passed by a bunch of shops, and we took plenty of photos. The place is filled with plenty of art stores. There was even a house with an art dealer selling his pieces from his backyard. We walked down the streets after having our micro lunch. When walking about, we tend not to eat much. In every block, there was like 4 pokestops, which was great. The Keys is just a great place to walk about, and see stuff. From time to time, it is interesting to enter the water.

Well, I normally never get inside the water. Still, I do see people entering. On the way to the Keys, there are a lot of places were people go to fish. All in all, it was a nice trip. As of now, we are closer to the Keys than to Orlando. Still, the trip to Key West took like 3 hours because of traffic. The trip back was faster. Most people hate being out there, in the middle of the night. We left around sunset, so the night caught up with us pretty quickly. Since it was cloudy, we did not see any stars. Deep was the darkness, before and behind us and to either side. This is a reference to that Gilgamesh epic. I think this is just about it, for our mini trip. It was just a nice change of pace. Nothing too far out there. As for the drawing, it was made by Art-n-fly paper. I used a paper mate mechanical pencil for the pencil art. I then traced over the lines with my Sakua Pigma Micron pen. I drew the lines of the manga with my prismacolor pen. I hope you find this information useful.

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