Cute Candies

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Cute Candies

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It has been quite a couple of days since I posted something new. I have not been well, but now I am feeling a little bit better. I think I caught a cold while on a mini vacation in Hollywood. Don't you hate it when that happens? It sort of makes me not want to take a vacation. I guess some things cannot be helped. I am not too peeved about it. It is fun using silly words that have been discontinued in regular vernacularism.

I read a bunch of old books. This is part of the reason I picked up a lot of bizarre, old English words. Its funny how cursing was originally called malediction. I think I am still not fully recovered. I was drawing a blank once again. This is not something normal for me. I rarely suffer from writer's block. It only happens when I am not feeling well. Oh! Before I forget, when I said Hollywood, I was talking about the Hollywood in Florida.

There is a bunch of Hollywoods in the US. There is also a couple of Springfields. The Hollywood in Florida is a great place to play Pokémon Go. It doesn't have any of the annoying rules of Miami Beach. You can hang out in the beach even after dark. The place also has the only good Denny's restaurant in the entire state of Florida. 

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