Doll Chateau Ashley BJD Red Maid Dress Photos 2

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Doll Chateau Ashley BJD Red Maid Dress Photos 2

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This is the second half of the photoshoot I made. It keeps focusing on my Ashley bjd doll.

There is like a super cool, new fairy bjd doll made by Doll Chateau. They make pretty cool fairies. I like fairies a lot.

artsy sister, doll chateau, photomanipulation

They should be featured more on stuff. Most of the time, they appear as gags. I have been making progress with the new book.

I have about 70,000 words already. If it is about dragons, I can easily rant nonstop for hours. I just like the idea of dragons.

doll chateau, artsy sister, teresita blanco photoshoot

They seem like fun chaps. It has been raining a lot in my house. Most of my tomato crops have gone the way of the dodo.

I suppose there are some things that cannot be helped. At least, the bell peppers are hanging in there.

doll chateau, bjd doll, fashion doll

The plants that are doing too well are the sunflowers. I have not even bothered to feed them. They are like super huge.

I do not know why I always end up with giant sunflower plants. They tower as high as the house. Their trunks are super thick.

artsy sister, dream valley, doll chateau

The problem is that they barely have any roots. Just a small breeze is enough to cause them to fall to the side. It is like super annoying.

I have a surplus of crop beds at the moment. As the plants start to die off, hopefully the new plants will pick up the slack.

 artsy sister, doll chateau bjd, dream valley bjd

We managed to harvest a couple of onions. They are nice and ready. Yawn. I am already half asleep. My brother bought me some cake.

I wanted a caramel cake, but they did not have any. Don’t you hate it when they never have the cake you like? Well, the fruits are nice enough.

artsy sister, ucanaan bjd, rosenlied

I have been working out a lot to be able to indulge from time to time. I actually managed to drop 40 pounds. Around new year, I was at 200 pounds.

As a writer, it is hard to maintain one’s weight. Most writers are in the bad habit of giving up. They only bother to work out, to attract a mate.

artsy sister, dollmore bjd, doll chateau bjd

I work out for my own sake, not for the sake of another. I am a pretty stubborn person, and also a bit of a sleepy one. I need to try to get more sleep.

I have been in a bit of a sleepy mood as of lately. I have been waking up a bit earlier than usual. Aside from working on the new book, I have been working on the next volume of Scary cat.

 artsy sister, doll chateau bjd, ucanaan bjd

It just needs a couple of new pages to get completed. The new volume is birthday themed. So, you can gift it to a little kid.

doll chateau, dollmore, ucanaan

The color scheme focuses on the color red, with greens and blues for contrast. I probably need to draw a couple of more pages.

ringdoll, doll chateau, artsy sister

I think it might be a little shorter than the previous volume. Aside from drawing stuff and writing stuff, I started seeing a new Turkish telenovela with mother and brother.

doll chateau, dollmore, bjd dolls

In Spanish, it is called Tientame Amor, or tempt me Love. It is about a super controlling wife, who is going to loose her husband.

artsy sister, doll chateau, handmade dolls

She is so petty, and controlling, that she did not even allow the guy to pick the flavor of his birthday cake. The telenovela is mild, and amusing.

dream valley, doll chateau, artsy sister

It is a simple subject, with no world stakes. Lately, I have been getting away from the fate of the world nonsense in my books.

 artsy sister, dollmore ballerina, doll chateau maid

Folks value the abstraction of the world too much, never the flesh and blood of the individual. The overall point is that I do not like how people treat one another.

artsy sister, bjd dolls, fashion dolls

When folks meet one another for the first time, they start looking to see how much they can take from one another.

 artsy sister, bjd doll couple, fashion doll

I do not want that type of friendship, I do not want that type of love. So, that is why I prefer dolls. This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister.

 artsy sister, bjd doll, doll chateau

I hope you like my new photoshoot. I am now going to go do some weights, and afterwards, I will eat a piece of cake.

artsy sister, bjd doll, photoshoot

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