Flower Girl

flower girl, photo -

Flower Girl

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While in the garden of the fountain of youth, I found this cute little figurine. She seemed really cute with her flower and the tree. There is just so many cute things in St. Augustine. I aim to return there one day and stock up on junk. There is a lot of stuff there. Not valuable stuff, but just artsy stuff.

All the places there always have something cool to look at every corner. There is something else to note about the historic sight of the fountain of youth. It had more than one fountain. The guy claimed one hole was the true fountain. However, I wonder if maybe the true fountain was one of the outside ones. Just to be safe I tried all of them.

It is important to note that one should be careful when trying out fountains. Almost all the water is a breeding ground for mosquitos. There is also the pluming to consider, which might be made of lead. Historical stuff are usually left alone. So, don't randomly drink water from old tiny fountains. Lead poisoning can drive one insane. 

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