French Red Head from the 19th Century

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French Red Head from the 19th Century

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This maiden in one of my early drawings. She is part of a little book I recently started working on. I still need like 250 drawings to complete it. Usually compilation books require like 1000 or 1200 drawings. I hope to reach double the amount to get ahead of my imaginary competition.

Most of these types of drawing books have all the characters in the same pose. It is rare to see some type of variety. I am trying to have all the characters in a different pose or another. Once it gets to 500 it starts getting a bit hard. There is a limit to how much you can twist and bend the human figure to create some semblance of variety. 

pens,color pencils,large wallpaper

As a single unit, there is not much to tell about the maiden. I did not even have a title pick out for the drawing. Titles are only relevant for people who have paintings with a deeper meaning. There is also those who take titles as a bit of a joke. This is best known as the painting title "This is not a pipe". Ironically, the painting featured a pipe. 

Surrealism painters are usually awesome at picking out names for their artworks. There is always a dream like quality to those names and to the drawings. As for my maiden, the girl has different shades of black in her dress. Black in the old days was a sign of wealth. Black dyes were expensive. So wearing black meant you had plenty of money. 

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