Italian Little Girl circa 1170s

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Italian Little Girl circa 1170s

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A few days ago, I drew this little number. She is an Italian girl from the 1170s. The actual source is a little earlier, from the 1880s. Around that time, there was an interest in medieval culture and knights. As such, there was a lot of paintings on that subject. A lot of care and attention was placed in the rendering of those historical outfits. Painters are usually a good source for dresses and the like.

All of them painted from life, using models and the actual outfits. These days painting from life has become a little more expensive. There isn't a good place to find live models who want to stand still for hours for a paintings. It is a job worth considering, for those who are not too keen on doing any actual work. People tend to praise modeling a lot. However, the most important skill necessary is keeping in good shape and being naturally beautiful.

It also helps to be tall. However, these models are a rare breed apart from the rest of mankind. Most people tend to be about average. Nothing, too far out there.  I frankly would be more incline to believe in the actual dress if the models looked like real people. However, while women continue to bite, the magazines will continue to use those skeletal graceful figures.

Frankly, models were more interesting back in the old days. Now, the aesthetic is that of literal stick figures. Then again, as far as modern day is concerned I am not pleased with most things.  Anyhow, I have been a bit lapse with the website because of a new video game I got. It is more of a remake of an older game. I would talk more about it, but it has nothing to do with art. So there you have it. 

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