Mammoth Sunflower Taller than Me

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Mammoth Sunflower Taller than Me

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Today, I was in a flowery type of mood. Things could be better in my life around the edges. I am praying for someone to get good medical news. I did a Saint Prayer, and a Rosary too. True faith can move mountains, as all. I don’t doubt it. What you believe is none of my business.

Other people’s belief should not be big businesses either. It was just like in Medieval Times. You can hurt a person a lot, but you really can’t change the way a person thinks. Belief comes from within, not from without. If it is just not in you, then don’t stress about it.

It should come to you as naturally as a morning breeze, or an awakening or whatever. Aside from the Lord Jesus, I believe in a lot of cookie stuff. I could rant about it, but I do not want to convert you or anything. I don’t believe in trying to convert people.

A lot of Native Americans died  because of well-intended preachers. The world is full of a lot of people who suffered because of others’ good intentions. Then, there is the opposite. This thing is going to last till people stop being thoughtless jerks to one another.

 artsy sister,sunflowers,gardening

Spreading illnesses on purpose should be criminalized. When a negative behavior becomes compulsory, that is when the government has to kick in as all. These days I only go as far as the front lawn. The only thing I miss is going out to eat nonsense. I miss good Sushi a lot, and fried ice cream.

I should just learn the recipe, but I am afraid of the oven and grease too. I think this is about it as far as the nonsense in my life. I think I should mention my silly mammoth sunflower. The sunflower started like really small. I fed it Miracle Grow for the Rose. The sunflowers liked it a lot.

They took forever to grow, and now they look amassing. The first one was tall, and then its sibling decided to grow even taller. It did so to capture more sunlight. It greets us when we are heading out. It has a real nice looking face. The bees love the silly little plant. Its brother is producing seeds a lot. All in all, I hope you like this silly little plant photo.

artsy sister,sunflowers,gardening

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