Micheal Parkes Dreamscape Paintings

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Micheal Parkes Dreamscape Paintings

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Micheal Parkes is a talented dreamscape artist. He was born in the US, but he currently resides in Spain. Many of his paintings are mass produced in the form of illustrations. He also does sculptures. For our purposes, we will focus on Parkes’ paintings. The first one is called Another. Basically, we see a jester with a ring and swam. 

In painting, such maidens placed as such are unsightly, composition wise.  However, Parkes decided to put her there to draw your eyes to her. As for the swans, Parkes has like a dozen paintings with swans. He likes that bird a lot. One gets a sense of harmony in this image via the repetitive circles. Its cool how the circle is at the center of the image. Overall, this is a pretty odd dreamscape.

Here is yet another painting that features swans. The maiden, in the foreground, has her eyes closed. She does not noticed the strange scenes about her. She is busy remembering. In the background, we see a circus clown. Putting two and two together, we get Parkes’ vision of a circus of memory. The real scene is happening within the maiden. Her dress is black. She is remembering someone she lost. Her red floating hair is the color of passion.   

In the center, we see the pretty Venus. She is shy, covering herself with green coat. Beside her, we see a weird guy with an egg and a moon. Venus is the daughter of the moon and Cronus. When Cronus was castrated, his blood fell in the ocean. Via the powers of Selene, Venus was born from the ocean's foam. Here, Venus has just risen from the foam. Bellow her, we see a typical Micheal Parkes odd floating head. The patterns around her follows the style of the decorative art of art nouveau. Overall, these elements look pretty cute.


This next lovely painting shows an old hag. She is painting an angel. I like how she seems to be coming to life straight out of the sky. Above her, a frog is holding her color pallet. Resting on her shoulder, we see one of Micheal Parkes' odd swans. Overall, this is a pretty odd imaginative painting. What I like best are the little blushes on the faces of the angel, the hag and the frog.

 In this lovely painting, we see three beautiful mermaids. They are getting out of the water. Nearby, a swan is looking at the pretty mermaids. I like the flowing motion of the stylized waves a lot. The sunrise , with the mountains, also works pretty.  

This is an interesting Micheal Parkes annunciation. Like you all know (or not), the Annunciation was when the angel told Mary that she was going to have God's child. In Parkes version, we see the Virgin Mary surrounded by some attendants. Before her, we see the Arch Angel Micheal.  

His presence seems to be making the Virgin fly up. The Virgin appears to be frightened at the angel's appearance. She is avoiding looking in his direction. This shows her humility. The others ,not part of the miracle, are looking straight at the angel. 


In this painting, an angel girl is looking about. On the next mountain, we see the personification of the moon. Above her, we see two galaxies about to crash. This painting seems to be about the awakening of knowledge. The angel is looking at the stars in the heaven to decipher the truth.

The Mare Imbrium is the huge black spot on the moon. In other words, this battle is taken place ,symbolically speaking, on the moon. There we see a clown knight fighting a dragon. He has just pieced its egg. Bellow, we see a strange angel chick. She has a snake coiled around a pyramid. Overall, these symbols in this painting are way too weird.  

In this painting, we see a girl playing with a lion cub. She is raising it up, to look at him better. Behind her, a weird dwarf is playing a harp. In this painting, the maiden is dawn personified.

The four feathers are being blown by the red headed Greek girl. Beside her, we see the same strange anachronistic swan. There is also a black cat looking at the feathers. There are also two other maidens. On the bottom, we see the same creepy floating head that glares at the views. Arrangement wise, this painting works pretty well. This is is a great dreamy painting.

In this painting, we see 4 maidens. They are each at the bloom of their beauty. One of them is even with child. They are full of hope of their new life. Behind them, we see an old woman. She represents the creeping death. She is their destiny. One day, their youth will fade. However, they are hopeful that their beauty will transcend their mortal coils.

In this painting, we see a huntress stalking her pretty. The huntress body is distorted. Her arms are backward. Beside her, a chimeric personification of her hack is pointing in the right direction. Bellow her, we see her hunting dog. His white makes him look very creepy.

Here is another Annunciation painting. In this version, the Virgin Mary is simply sitting down before the angel. He is blessing the Virgin. Behind her, the dwarf Personification of the Holy Ghost is planting the egg of Jesus Christ into the Virgin. The Holy Ghost also has the Virgin Mary lilies.

In this painting, a maiden is painting a mask. It looks pretty cool. I like her furry coat a lot. Beneath her, we see a Tiger with the spirit of a Lion. His glaring is pretty cool. On  the border, we see a creepy own glaring at the viewer. The profile of this maiden is really cute. Overall, this painting is about the process of creation. She is in the midst of creating someone.

Well, we do see the Juggler. On the ledge, a little girl is about to throw him another ball for him to juggle. Beside her, there is a cat looking at this werido. All these aspects combine, makes this painting pretty interesting to look at.

In this painting, we see the magician's daughter practicing magic. She drew a magic circle on the floor. The incense of the candle is part of her ward. On the wall, we see a feather and an ace. Beside it, we see a cat spirit flying about. Needless to say, this girl summoned the cat. Its a simple summoning for an apprentice magician. 

This dream for Rosa is pretty cool. On the ring string, a ballerina is balancing herself. There is also a baby tiger playing in the string. Both are being watched by the Jester and mama Tiger. In the background, we see some birds. The sky scenery is pretty cool and Greek. 

This painting is one of my favorite. Let us begin with the Swans in the foreground. On the left, we see the beak of a swan, with a rose. His shadow is seen on the marble. The other swan has a bell. Behind them, we have a blindfolded clown violinist. His hands are blurred because he is playing so quickly. At the edge of the violin, we see a frog with flowers. Overall, this is a pretty strange painting.

Before I continue, I want to explain the theory of correspondence. It is said that all senses work together. Thus, when you smell a yummy meal, you imagine the taste. Following this theory, many artists have tried to illustrate music. Thus, when you see this painting, you must imagine the sound of the flute. It is calming and soothing. Its perfect to calm the raging heart of a lioness, like the one in the foreground.

This is an Andalusian dream. Needless to say, Parkes had this dream in Andalusia. That is a place in Spain. Its full of gypsies and the like. The faceless figure is asking for silence. Behind him, we see a ghostly gypsy with a card. Before her is a white lamb. In the background, we see a storm coming. The grass is showing the surging wind. This is the calm before the storm.

Above, we see a cool ceremony of the sun. The maiden by the edge has a miniature of the sun in her hand. Behind her, we see her attendants urging her on. They are dressed in white. What I like best is the steps. They are floating in mid air. The cat is there to add to the surreal of this painting. Its follows the example of Monet’s Olympia. In that painting, there too was inconspicuous cat. It’s there to show you that this is a common place event in Parkes’ dream.

This last painting is called inner world.The main figure is a ballerina. She is dancing on a tight rope. On it, we see a monkey with a sphere and some lilies. Beside him, a maiden is releasing birds. The ones she sent out are playing with the ribbons of the maiden. They are helping her maintain her balance. Frankly, I really do not get what this painting is about. 


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