Movie Review: Eva, Unbreakable, No Good Deed, Reservoir Dogs

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Movie Review: Eva, Unbreakable, No Good Deed, Reservoir Dogs

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Eva was a Spanish science fiction movie. The presentation of the film was pretty cool. It showed a bunch of cute crystals and the like taking on different shapes. From time to time, the crystals showed a small scene of something or other. Later on, they explained what the crystals are. The movie starts around the end.

A little girl runs to see her uncle because her mom is in trouble. She then faints after telling her uncle about it. From then on, the movie goes to the start. Main guy was coming back to complete his project. He used to design robots and he had left astro boy half done.

He was missing the programming for the kid. He was a bit stumped because the company kept asking him to design fun robots. He liked better robots that were different. His cat robot had freewill. Normally, humans could control the emotional level of their robots, as well as their actions.

The main guy made his robot cat with freewill. Anyhow, his superior showed him a few kids he could use as models for his robot. He found all the kids to be boring. While driving home, he met Eva. Eva was the happy child he wanted to model his robot. The rest of the movie was about Eva and what a special little girl she was.

Unbreakable Movie Review

Unbreakable was a pretty cool super hero movie. I liked the human element in this movie. It was not like those cliché super hero movie. Since it was a M. Night Shyamalan film, the movie was like superman, but with a twist. The movie starts with the birth of Mr. Glass. His mother was a black maid.

She had given birth in the house of the lady she worked for. When the doctor came, he started asking questions. Eventually, he said what was wrong with her baby. Mr. Glass had been born with his arms and legs broken. The normally occurred if the mother was struck in the belly or something. However, everything had been normal up until now.

From there, the movie switches to the main character. I forget his name in the film. He was the guy who was the doctor in the 6th sense. It seems M. Night likes to feature him in his odd movies. Anyhow, the main guy was in a train trying to pick up a chick. He had removed his wedding ring to do that. The girl was put off by his annoying questions.

 She eventually switched seats. Suddenly, the main guy felt something was wrong. The last thing he saw was the outside trail before the train derailed. He then woke up in the hospital. His kid had been watching the news when this occurred. The boy thought his father had died. When he got out of hospital, he was greeted by his soon to be ex-wife and kid.

After reading more news on the matter, he discovered he was the lone survivor. This peaked Mr. Glass interest since he was into comic books. He thought the main character was a super hero. The main guy was not too convinced. I am not going to spoil the rest. I recommend you watch the film.

No Good Deed Movie Review

A few days ago, I watched this movie based on the saying: No Good Deed goes unpunished. The movie starts with the news. The chick was telling the story of an infamous criminal. He had done wrong to 4 women. He had been caught thanks to a bar fight. He thought a guy was hitting on his girlfriend. He then decided to hit on the guy… with a 2 by 4.

From there, the movie switches to the hearing. The jurors heard rumors of all the nice things he had done in prison. However, one of the jurors had done his homework. The guy was charismatic and manipulative. He went berserk whenever things did not go his way.

Since he did not get out of jail, he chose to break out. After making a quick stop to his ex-house, he stole a car to make his getaway. On the way, he had an accident. He stopped by a residential home. A black housewife greeted her. Her husband was out.

He had gone to play golf with his father. It was a father’s day gift or whatever. Anyhow, by playing the handy stranger, the convict talked his way into the housewife’s home. I don’t want to spoil the rest. The great thing was waiting for him to go rampage nuts. I recommend the movie to all good Samaritans.

Reservoir Dogs Movie Review

A few days ago, I watched this awesome movie. It was the first movie made by Quentin Tarantino. The movie was about a dream team of burglars. It was the perfect crime. The only problem was that there was a rat among them. Some of the actors in this movie showed up in other Tarantino movies.

Anyhow, the movie starts with the burglars meeting for dinner. They had code color name, like Mr. Pink or Mr. Orange. The robbers were having a conversation about “Like a Virgin”.  Afterwards, they had to split the tip. Their patron was paying for the food. I think Mr. Pink did not want to tip. He was a real jerk about.

Anyhow, like all his movies the scene switches to a few of three of the thieves getting away. Something had gone wrong and they were not certain who was alive or not. There was the trademark pool of blood.  The best part was when the crazy guy was torturing a cop he had captured. He did this to the song “Stuck in the Middle with you”. Lots of fun.


Labor Day Movie Review

Labor Day is another movie about an escaped prisoner. This one is based on a book of sorts. It takes place in the 80s. The main character was a kid whose mom was divorced. Since she no longer had a husband, the kid took it upon himself to act like his mother’s husband.

However, he still felt something was missing. One day, a convict escaped. He bullied his way into the main kid’s home. The wife and kid end up coming down with a serious case of Stockholm syndrome. The movie was a great romantic movie. I recommend it.

The inevitable defeat of Mister and Pete Movie Review

Last night, I watched this depressing movie. It was about a kid named Mister. He also lived in a bad neighborhood with his strung out mother. The movie started with Mister getting his report card. He had to repeat the 8th grade. When he got home, he found Pete playing with his playstation.

The movie was great modern version of El Lazarillo de Tormes. It showed you how impossible it was to survive in the hood on your own. It also showed you what happens to veterans. About half end up on the streets, begging; even those who earned a purple heart.

Before I Disappear Movie Review

This movie was about a guy who wanted to kill himself. He was super depressed because he had lost his girlfriend Vista. Without her, his outlook in life looked pretty bleak. Drugs no longer worked. He also owned a lot of money and had no one who depended on him.

As far as he was concerned, he was a waste of human skin. The movie begins with him writing his suicide letter to Vista. When he was done, he jumped in the tub and cut one of his veins. He was having a good nap when the phone rang. He was roused from his lethargy by a call from his sister.

His sister had not spoken to him in 5 years. In her very mean fashion, she convinced him to go pick up her daughter. This phone call was responsible for getting him out of the bath tub.  As the movie progresses, more bizarre things keep happening to him. I recommend the movie.


Expelled from paradise Anime Movie Review

A few nights ago, I watched this anime movie with my brother. I found the title humoring since it was close to Paradise Lost. The movie was pretty peachy; it had lots of giant robots. The robots had pretty interesting design.  To keep people interested, the main girl was a real bimbo. She also had a short fuse. She was too unused to the real world.

Anyhow, there were two types of humans. There were those living in a virtual, matrix world and those on earth. Like in the Matrix, the humans in the virtual world lived a rich fulfilling life. The only downside was memory. You had to make yourself useful to get memory allocated to your desires.

To keep up her ritzy lifestyle, the main girl took an assignment on the real world. She had a clone stashed away for such an occasion. Her mission was to track down and eliminate a hacker. The hacker was trying to convince people from the matrix to go to space with him.

Well, that is just about the first 5 minutes of the movie plot. The ending was ruined when the cowboy guitarist started singing a bad Japanese song. Other than that, the movie was pretty decent. The final battle was pretty cool as well. This movie is perfect for people who like giant robot battles.  

 Love is strange Romantic movie review

Two nights ago, there was nothing better to watch on TV. My family felt like watching this gay movie. The movie was nice, because it was not a cliché. It featured a gay couple who had been living together for 40 years. Recently, their marriage had been legalized in the state they lived. They felt it was a good a time as any to get married for real.

The wedding was nice. All their pals posted pictures on Facebook. As soon as they got married, one of the guys lost his job. He used to work for the Catholic Church training the children’s choir. The priest knew he was gay. The parents of the kids knew he was gay. Heck, everyone knew. The issue was that the other churches found out.

There were a few phone calls here and there. Long story short, the priest was forced to fire the guy. Since they had wasted so much money on the honeymoon, they were in a jam.  The movie was really, really long, but enjoyable.  I recommend it to people who want to feel depress. The moral of the movie is not work for the Catholic Church.

Before i go to sleep Movie Review

 This one is another one of those lovely Nicole Kidman movies. All the other actors there were kinda half baked. The movie was a creepy version of 21 First Dates. The main girl, Christine Lucas had some memory problems. She forgets everything every time she goes to sleep.

She could only remember her life up to her 20s. Everything else was blank.  She had been living like this for quite some time. Her husband Ben was trying hard to deal with her. He had photos in the bathroom to help her remember. From time to time, he would alter the story since he was up to here with the bloody woman.

Somehow, she had managed to see a doctor behind his back. She was trying to find a way to get her memory back. The movie was quite mysterious. Kidman acted beautifully. She was still pretty, even as she played a 40 something year old woman. Then again, she is 47 right now. I recommend the film to people who like to watch this actress perform.


Nightcrawler movie review

Nightcrawler was a pretty cool movie. It was about a robber turned journalist. He sorta stumbled upon that career. One day he was ridding the streets when he ran into an accident. There was a stringer reporter getting images. He asked the guy what he was up to.

He eventually found out that stations paid top dollar for original images for their newscast. He felt it was a more lucrative business than stealing. The movie shows you what people think of the press. As far as they are concerned, the press only made up news. There was no money to be made in the “truth”.

Transformers age of extinction Movie Review

The transformers movie was a great Asian flick. It was a financial success in China. One of the transformers was spewing haikus left and right. The movie focused on a hunter of transformers. He was helping the humans hunt autobots. The humans had zero tolerance for either the autobots or the decepticons.

This was all due to the last battle in Chicago or something. I forget the name of the city. The point was that 1800 folks died in the crossfire. This earned the autobots the animosity of all humans. That is the gist of the movie in a nutshell. The movie was way too long.

The movie was also a debate on how adults could date teens. There was also an issue with the teen girl. At a certain point, her eyes changed color. In one scene, her eyes were bloodshot in one scene. It looked like she had been drinking for days. As far as cheesy, long transformer movies went this one was the most annoying.

The equalizer Movie Review

The movie starred Denzel Washington. He played an obsessive compulsive killer. His routine obsession was noticed in how he arranged things. What I liked best was the way he killed. He did in a guy with a cork screw. He also slew one with a Tequila shot. 

He had a nice way of screwing people up. The movie was pretty long, but it kept you on your toes. I think it was based on a show or something.  The thing about it was that the Equalizer did not leave any lose screws. I recommend the movie to you folks. It was pretty great. 

El Infierno Mexican Movie Review

El Infierno was a pretty depressing Mexican movie. It was about a Mexican guy who got deported. He had lived in the US for 20 years, when ICE finally caught him. Forced to come home, he went to check out how much the place had changed. The first change he noticed was his home.

His mother’s house was in shambles. She was angry at him for not sending him any money. Things got worse when he found out what had happened to his younger brother. The more he heard of him, the worst he felt. The movie shows you what sort of hell Mexico has become.

It went from bad to worse, in the course of 20 years. The movie was a pretty cool gangster film.  Anyone can become a gangster when pushed to the edge. I recommend this depressing Mexican movie to you folks.

Grace of Monaco Movie Review

Grace of Monaco was a pretty cool Nicole Kidman movie. She played a Hollywood Actress from the 50s who got married to a real prince. She thus became the princess of Monaco. She was living her fairy tale dream. Monaco is one of the few European countries that still have a monarchy.  Grace had a hard time adapting to her new role as a princess.

She was also thinking of returning to the Hollywood business. Alfred Hitchcock had come to offer her a part. On top of everything, the De Gualle the Leader of France wanted any excuse to annex Monaco. This movie shows how Grace managed to win the media war against De Gualle.  The true royal family hated the movie because of its historical inaccuracies… but who cares!


Falling Down Bizarre 90s Movie Review

Falling Down was a… comedy? I think? I doubt it was meant to be taken seriously. In any case, the movie was about the Man trying to make sense of the new world he lived in. The main character was a white guy who went rampage nuts while in traffic. There was traffic because of some construction work. Suddenly, he got out of his car and started walking home.

Along the way, he met other colorful stereotypical characters. He often dealt with problems in a violent, self-righteous manner. As the film progressed, we find out what made him get out his hinges. The title refers to “London Bridge is Falling Down”. It was a catchy song that appeared around the middle of the movie.

the magic of belle isle movie Review

The Magic of Belle Isle was a pretty creepy Morgan Freeman movie. Overall, the movie was cute and sappy. It was sweet, with sugar on top. The only good actor in the movie was Freeman. All the other folks were half backed. I think the movie would have been better if it “only” had Freeman.

Anyhow, the movie was about a depressed, wheelchair, alcoholic writer. His nephew had brought him to an all-white neighborhood to dog sit. He figured his uncle would benefit from being among such nice, white people.  This is the kind of movie you see when you got nothing better to watch on TV.


Cantinflas 2014 Biopic Movie Review

The movie of Cantinflas was a pretty interesting. It was a gringo perspective of the famous Mexican actor. Instead of featuring Cantiflas much, the main character seemed to be the guy trying to make a movie. Cantinflas weasel himself into the leading role. He did the movie with Wonder Woman and other famous Hollywood actors.

The producer wanted all the international actors to appear in the movie for free. This was a way to get around the contracts which bounded actors to certain films. It was an interesting take on the movie industry if nothing else. For being a movie about a funny actor, it was not a funny film.

Hector and the Search for Happiness Movie Review

This was a really good movie featuring Pike Rosamund. He has appeared in a lot of movies, like Shaun of the Dead. The movie is about a psychologist who is about to have a psychological breakdown. One day, he decides to travel the world to discover what makes people happy. He started his search in China.

The movie has plenty of social commentary. It shows the obliviousness of upper class British men. Only the rich have the luxury to address their mental problems. The rest of the world is focused on surviving or on being happy with what little they have. The movie has plenty of great images. I recommend this movie. It was really, really good.

The Physician Movie Review

The Physician was one of the longest movies I ever saw. It would have worked well as a two part movie. Despite being 2 hours and half, it was a pretty watchable film. The movie was about a medieval barber. Barbers were the names given to the doctors in medieval Europe.

The movie focused on his quest to discover a cure for side sickness. His mother had died of the disease, so he kinda grew obsessed about it. The movie showed a pretty realistic depiction of the medieval Europe and the Orient. Some of the scenes were rather crude, with the black plague and the like. Anyhow, I recommend the film.  

Imaginary Friend movie Review

The Imaginary Friend movie was not half bad. It did not have any good actors worth mentioning. Sometimes it seemed like a bad XXX movie. Still, it did manage to retain my attention. The movie was about a rich artist with psychological issues. She was married to her doctor. One day, she starts having visions of her imaginary friend.

She used to have one when she was little. Her pal was one of the many reasons she did not get along with her father. The movie was not that scary for a thriller. It did not have too much blood and around the end it turned into a comedy. Overall, I liked the movie. It gives you the popular opinion of psychologists.

Mommie dearest Movie Review

This movie was based on a book written by Christine Crawford. She was the adopted daughter of the infamous actress Joan Crawford. The book was one of the first Tell All books about a celebrity. Christine had written the book out of spite. Her mother had not given her any of the inheritance money.

People speculated that Joan had found out about the book before croaking. Anyhow, the movie starts with Joan whining about babies. She wanted a baby badly. However, she was unable to have kids. She had tried to adopt, but the adoption agency had denied her a kid. Thanks to her lawyer-lover she was able to get Christine.

The movie tries to follow the mood of the book. It did emphasis on the scenes when Joan was acting like a complete nutcase. My favorite part was when she threw a fit because Christine had hanged her clothing on an iron wire. She also made the girl clean up the bathroom at 3 AM at night.

My mother used to like the actress Joan Crawford, until she saw this movie. Knowing the personal life of an actress certainly can change a fan’s perspective. She was a brilliant, narcissistic actress and that is just about it. I recommend this movie. It was wonderful, despite being more than 2 hours long.

Get Hard Movie Review

I watched this movie about a week ago. It is one of those Will Ferrell comedy movies. Ferrell played a hedge fund named James.  One day, his boss gives him a raise. As soon as he got the raise, the cops arrested James. He was accused and convicted of fraud. He was going to San Quentin prison.

During his depression, he sought the help of the only black guy he knew, Darnell. He assumed that Darnell (Kevin Hart) had been in jail because he was black. Darnell used James prejudice to earn the 30,000 bucks he needed to move to a better neighborhood.  The movie poked fun of stereotypes. It was a rather funny movie.


Terminator Genisys Movie Review

I finally got around to watching the Terminator Genisys movie. I watched it in the movie in the plane ride back home. It was a great distraction from the soul crushing turbulence. The movie was made parallel to Windows 10. Both Genisys and Windows 10 had a countdown. Apparently, the producer wanted to say that Windows 10 was skynet.

In the movie, the time machine played a central role. It was used both in the future and in the past. It was a great tool for making the movie more modern. This terminator was a return to Terminators. There were more than two Terminators. Instead of the liquid one, they invented a nano Terminator. It was composed of tiny nanorobots.

They were a bit more solid than the regular liquid terminator. Instead of the truck scene, the movie had a school bus chase. It is a bummer how Reese and Sarah did not die when the bus crashed. The fighting was pretty cool. It was cute how the Governator was called Grandpa.

The movie director found a great way to excuse the Governator’s age. I also liked that he had a bit more lines. The scenes from the first movie were pretty interesting as well.  Frankly, it was one of the best Terminator movies I ever seen. It was almost as good as the second part.

Furious 7 Movie Review

It is a great pity that Fast died before the movie was completed. This movie was featured in Avianca. Avianca is a plane company that flies to Colombia. Their seats maybe hard, but they at least invested in good plane movies. The movie came in 3 languages.

It started with this guy going to the hospital to visit his brother. While going out, the viewer sees all the devastation he caused. He is out for revenge against the Fast and the Furious crew. The scene then changes to Furious and his girlfriend. He wanted to help her get over her amnesia or something.

She did the street race and won. From there, Furious visited Fast. Fast was on the fast lane through daddy villa. He was not taking the transition well. He got back into the game when the evil dude sent him a care package from Tokyo. Fast then went to help Furious capture this evil spy who was ought for revenge.

To get the bad guy, they formed a crack team of 7 racers. The formation they did to avoid the bullets was pretty cool. The movie showcased plenty of cars. They also showed the wealth of Abu Dhabi. It was a great film to watch while the place was trying to land.  


How to Marry a Millionaire? Movie Review

Recently, I got around to watching old movies. This one was a romantic comedy featuring Marilyn Monroe. She was paired up with two other beautiful actresses of her day. The movie was about three models that were planning to marry a rich guy. The oldest one of the lot had married a poor slob.

He had even struck her with a chicken leg one time. In order to carry out their scheme, the models rented an apartment in New York. It was interesting to note how they were judging men by their appearance. The guy who was a true millionaire was dressed like a guy who worked in a gas pump. He had no need to show off since he had several hotels with his name on it.

Everyone in the City of New York knew he was rich. Since the models were new to the neighborhood, they did not know he was a local rich guy. Overall, the movie shows you it is not so easy to land rich guy. The movie was pretty funny. Truly, it was quite the old movie classic.  It was fun to see the streets of New York without traffic.

Move Over Darling Classical Romantic Comedy Review

This movie genuinely made me laugh. The movie was about a woman who was cast away. After 8 years, she was saved by the Navy. The movie pokes fun of the change in technology.  The phones no longer had operators. Also, there were car washes.  Parallel to this, her husband was trying to declare her legally dead.

After 8 years, he had found another woman he wanted to be with. The judge was hilariously annoying. The movie then focuses on the romantic trio between her husband and his new wife. I recommend this classical comedy. It’s based on a very old song called “Move Over, Darling”.


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