Movie Reviews: Let the Right One In, Pompeii, Bless Me Ultima

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Movie Reviews: Let the Right One In, Pompeii, Bless Me Ultima

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Let the Right one in Vampire Movie Review

A few nights ago, I was bored and felt like watching this movie. I remember seeing a good promo of the American version of this movie. Anyhow, the movie is about an albino looking kid and his vampire friend. He was bullied a lot and one day a new girl moves into the apartment complex.

The girl who moved in was a vampire girl. Her so called father hunts for her. The gore is deeply underscored. The creator of the film wanted to focus more on the relationship of the two main characters. People do die from time to time and then there is the vampirism.

The relationship of the pair is pretty cute. The helper of the vampire girl also alludes to the future of the main character.  Like all these horror movies, this movie is kind of dark. The cold weather and the scenery were pretty creepy. I recommend it to anyone who likes vampire movies. This one is not too much of a cliché.

The Incredible Spiderman 2 Movie Review

Last night, I watched this cool movie. I started watching right around the part the blue man show started. Also, I did not watch the first part.  It seems like they stretched a lot Spiderman’s origin. Since they did not know much of Peter Parker’s parents, they had a lot room for the imagination.

The battles in the movie were pretty cool. This Spiderman was a lot stronger than the ones from the other movies. He also only shot webs with a little devise. The final battle with the blue man was pretty cool. The effects in the movie were something else.

Still, most of the time, I was thinking of the blue man show. Then again, it could have been a great product placement.  Anyhow, I recommend the movie for those who like a good fight.

Pompeii Romantic Movie Review

Tonight, I watched the movie Pompeii.  I watched it because I knew everyone was going to die in the end. I mean, why else call a movie Pompeii? Anyhow, the movie starts with the Romans attacking a Celtic camp. The Celts had the bad idea of rebelling against the Romans.

The only one that survived was a boy who pretended to be dead. His name was Milo. After getting off the pile of corpses, he leaves town. Along the way, he gets picked up by a slaver. He grows up to be a gladiator of sorts.

He meets the love of his life in Pompeii. Cassia was the mayor’s daughter. Both were headed to Pompeii. Milo’s master was moving him to a new Coliseum. Cassia was trying to get away from Rome. She became impressed by Milo’s horse whispering abilities.

Only the horse knew what was coming. I could almost swear he was neighing in a way which said, “Stupid, idiots!” The fights in the movie were pretty cool. Like in all movies, the first guy to die was a black guy. The best part of the movie was the scenery. It was quite historically accurate.

Bless me, Ultima Book Movie Review

A few weeks ago, I watched the movie called “Bless me, Ultima”. The movie is based on a book by the same name. I was drawn to the book because the main witch was called Ultima. She had the name of my favorite final fantasy 7 magic attack.

Now that I think about it, she was indeed the last or la Ultima witch. In the movie, they chose quite the great old woman to play Ultima. Something about the way she carried herself reminded me a bit Flemeth. She did magic and healing as a profession, not as a hobby. She even had an owl familiar. In the old days, owls were not substitutes for carrier pigeons.

They had a legitimate magical reason. It was the witch’s connection to the natural world. When the familiar died, the witch would die as well. Her magic was also not the flashy kind of magic. She did the last known real magic. This ranged from healing, potions, curse breaking and good old fashioned voodoo. She also used the kid as a magical catalyst. It almost seemed as if she was training him.

Anyhow, back to the movie. The movie is narrated by a guy who met Ultima when he was a little kid. The story takes place in 1940s New Mexico.  She had been the one who had delivered him into the world.

He met her again when his family asked Ultima to spend her final days with them. Ultima had no family so she relied on the charity of others. She would always travel far and wide to heal people. Unlike today’s doctors, Ultima asked for a reasonable fee.

You escaped the jaws of death for only 40 bucks. She succeeded were the doctors and priests would fail. The movie captured the plot of the book pretty well. I recommend it to anyone who likes a good film.


Rob the Mod Based on True Events Movie Review

A few days ago, I watched this movie called Rob the Mob. The movie has a simple title. It gets the point across rather well. The movie starts with a couple inside a car. I think it was the 70s or the 80s in New York. The guy is trying to work up the courage to hit the place.

Before heading out, his girlfriend tells him that she loves him. Being a superstitious fellow, he gets angry when his girl tells him that. After arguing for a bit, he tries to rob a flower shop. He ended up running away because the old hag, shopkeeper, had a shotgun.

 He barely escaped the volley of shotgun pellets and rose petals. The movie then advances. He spends his time in jail and his girlfriend has to get a real job. When he gets out, he tries to go legit, but he eventually comes up with a plan. He decides to rob the mob.

He figured the mob could not call the cops to report him. Both become a New York celebrities. They were like Bonnie and Clyde. It is quite the interesting romantic comedy.

Taken 3 New Movie Review

On Sunday, I went with my family to see the movie Taken 3. We only seem to go to the theater to see the Taken movies. They are the only films worth watching on the big screen. Unlike Taken 2, the fighting was at least believable. There was no Marco Polo game with grenades.

Even I thought it was a bit too much of an exaggeration. Like any of those films, we had to sit for 15 minutes of promos. The new British action films seem more or less decent. Johnny Depp is going to play another weirdo. Still, he can’t quite get out of his Jack Sparrow persona.

It is almost as if the character has taken hold and will never let him go. Jim Carrie has the same problem with the Mask. The Harry Potter kid will always be Harry Potter. It is one of those sad facts of life. In any case, I think I should return to the Taken movie.

Much to my surprise, Lenore had not left her rich husband. She was still trying to make it work. It was pretty hard for her to leave all that money behind. On top of everything, she was trying to seduce her Black Ops ex. Liam Neeson was too much of a decent guy to become Lenore’s lover.

As Karma would have it, Lenore was killed in the 3rd movie. It was one of those poetic justices. Still, Liam got accused of the murder. In the rest of the film, Liam Neeson is outsmarting the LAPD while trying to discover who had framed him. It is a pretty great action film. Liam Neeson is still pretty active for being 62 years old.  I recommend this movie to action movie fans.


Horns Bizarre Love Movie Review

Last night, I watched the Horns movie. It featured the Harry Potter kid Daniel Radcliffe or something. Anyhow, he played a guy named Ig Perrish. One has to wonder at the names some people give to the characters. Despite the ludicrous plot the movie was pretty washable.

The movie starts with Ig being with his hot red headed girlfriend. When he wakes up from his drunken stupor, he greets an angry mod outside his house. He has been getting hammered for the past few days because his girlfriend was murdered. On top of everything, everyone in town thinks he did it.

One day, he gets drunk again and sleeps with the barkeep. When he wakes up, he starts sprouting horns. The horns have an adverse effect on people. The main reason being that people think he is the devil. Ergo, he brings out the worst on everyone he meets. Around the end, he uses the snake tongue he learned in Hogwarts to make new friends.

Overall, the film has a lot of magic realism elements. The moral of the story is that most people are horrible human beings. Sure, Ig may have horns, but people have their own inner demons as well. I recommend to all who like Harry Potter’s snake charming powers. I don’t know why Horns is considered a Horror movie. It was not scary at all.

Stephen King’s A good marriage

A week ago, I watched this movie on Netflix. I thought it was a horror movie by Steven King. Like Steven, Stephen’s movie is a horror movie of sorts. The movie is about a wife and her happy marriage. Her daughter is about to get married.

The wife was talking with her friends who celebrate her happy marriage. In a way, this sorta jinxed her good fortune. Like it is her routine, she goes home and sleeps with her husband. Her husband is still attracted to her.

Everything is perfect! Perfect. While her husband goes to work, the wife starts looking around in the garage. She was tiding up the place. She gets freaked out cause there is a guy looking around outside.

She accidently knocked over a box which revealed her husband’s naughty magazines.  Things got worse when she kept digging. In a corner of the wall, she found a little box with the IDs of her husband’s victims.

She had been married to a serial killer for 25 years. I liked the movie because it was not one of those cliché. Normally, the film would have progressed with the husband trying to kill her for finding out his secret.

The beginning of the film was rather cute as well. It had one of those Methodist poems. It sorta reminded me of the way the furies operate. In any case, I recommend the movie to you chibis. It was pretty washable.

Chef Yummy Movie Review

The chef movie was a great film. It had a lot of cool actors here and there. The movie was also about twitter. The guy who wrote the script understood the internet rather well. His chef character was not an internet native.

He was also stuck in a rut in his career. He had also gotten divorce and was near bankruptcy. His son was also in a weird age. The best part of the movie was the food. The chef really did make a lot of yummy meals.

It was adorable how the chef used cooking to reconnect with his son. Together they went on a road trip to serve the meals they wanted to make.

Unlike most chefs, the main guy had integrity. He would never serve burnt bread to someone. He also put a lot of effort into making a simple grilled cheese sandwich for his son.

Just thinking about the film makes me real hungry. So, if you like awesome foods then watch the film. It will make even an anorexic person start eating again.

Dracula Untold Movie Review

A few days ago, I watched Dracula Untold. My mother wanted to check out the movie, so I watched it with her. The movie seemed like a softer version of Hellsing. Many of the scenes were taken from the final episodes of Hellsing Ultimate. The movie tried to humanize the poor Vlad the Impellor.

It did include plenty of facts from Vlad’s life. The ending scene reminded me a bit of twilight. In the original book, Dracula had only a vague idea of who he was. Personality wise, all traces of his humanity was gone. In the movie, they also gave Vlad a Reinfield character. He nursed Vlad back to health after sun tanning for too long.

The original Dracula was mostly weak against silver. They did do the silver weakness thing in the movie. However, he was almost slain by the sun. The whole getting killed by the sun thing was taken from Count Orlok. He was the first vampire to die in such a cheesy fashion. All the previous vampires had to be killed the old fashion way.

Heck, the original Dracula was stabbed to death by silver knives. He did have a kid with Mina. The fighting in the movie was more or less decent. The Turks were portrayed in the same fashion the Europeans saw them. The movie in it of itself was critiquing child soldiers. Dracula was one and he turned into a monster. Overall, it’s a decent movie for those who never saw Hellsing. 

Canadian Bacon

Canadian Bacon is one of my favorite comedies. It pokes fun at how lost the American Government was after the Cold War. Now, they no one it could blame for their internal problems. The scene starts with a weapon factory closing. The town around the factory was also decaying as well.

From there, we see the president going to that weapons factory. The owners were in the middle of auctioning Weapons. One of the guys there even bought a rocket launcher. During the speech, it went off and nearly killing the president. Interesting enough, the assassination attempt helped boost the popularity of the president.

Afterwards, he got together with his Cabinet to find a new enemy for America. All the ones that showed up in their bingo book were dead, retired or reformed. They even begged the Russians to go back to the same old, same old. Out of a whim, they decided to make Canada their new Cold War enemy. The propaganda behind it was ingenious. I recommend this film.


Secret Window Movie Review

This was a movie I watched a long time ago. Recently, I got around to watching it again. I sorta remembered why I had liked the film. Anyhow, the movie stars captain Jack Sparrow as a novelist. Oh wait, the movie was before the character came out. So, it stars Johnny Depp.

The movie starts with Depp looking for his wife. He had a gun and then he found her in a motel with another man. After a lot of argument and yelling, he shot someone. The scene then changed to Depp trying to write a book. Somewhere along the way, he gets stalked by a hillbilly.

According to the hillbilly, Depp had stolen his novel. All he wanted was for Depp to change the ending. Depp though the guy was crazy. He was right. He needed to find the copy of his novel to get the guy off his back. After the first half hour, the whack job burned Depp’s old house. I recommend the film.

Maleficent Disney Movie Review

The movie Maleficent was really cute. I liked how the new version of story made Sleeping Beauty more contemporary. The prince was practically useless in the story. The king was a return to the original King in Sleeping Beauty. In the original story, the king slept with sleeping beauty.  It was her twin sons which woke her up.

It was a dark German tale.  Anyhow, the king started as a poor boy. He stole a diamond from the elf lands. Maleficent was charged with taking care of the forest. She convinced the kid to return the jewel. They quickly became close friends. However, Maleficent did not understand human greed.

Eventually, the kid left her to make his fortune in the world. Well, I do not want to spoil the rest of the movie. The moral of the story was that only a mother’s love for her child was true love. The dragon battle was pretty cool. The movie also had an army battle between the fairy folk and the humans.

Humans wanted to take over fairy land because of the gems. The elves did not understand why humans wanted to kill them over a piece of stone. If you think about it, Diamonds are overrated carbon. Visually, the movie had a lot of cute things. I liked the contrast between fairyland and the Dark Ages iron castle.


The Perfume Movie Review

Last night, I watched The Perfume movie. The movie was a bit too raw. Even the opening scene, with the kid being born in the fish stand, was a bit too much.  In the movie, the director showed well how death seemed to follow Jean-Baptiste Grenouille. The first opening scene in the fish market showed Grenouille’s mother giving birth to him.

Since she had giving birth to other still born children, the chick went back to work. The problem was that the baby started yelling. Considering he was among stinking fishes, it’s no wonder he was screaming. Long story short, the chick got hanged for attempted murder.

This movie about scent was pretty well done. The vision of the rotten fishes was enough to stink up the entire room. As Grenouille started growing he began to be exposed to new scents. However, since he was small he could not tell the difference between good or bad smells. Unlike the book, the movie began in the ending. There it showed Grenouille captured.

The judge was describing how he was to die. Since there was no TV, an old fashion public execution was in session. The final scene of the orgy was something else. It seemed fun to be an extra in that scene. The movie also had Dustin Hoffman in a bit role. The main kid playing Grenouille was also not half bad.

How to train your Dragon 2 Movie Review

I watched this movie a few days ago, on Netflix. The movie continues with Hiccup’s story. His father wanted him to become clan leader.  However, Hiccup was more interested in mapping the world.  While searching about, he ran into some dragon hunters. They were collecting dragons for the dragonborn’s army.

I call him the dragonborn because he shouted to control his dragons. He also had a dragon skin coat. In this part, they developed more the dragon concepts. This one focused more on the Alpha dragons and the power they had over their underlings.  I recommend the movie.

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