Much Ado About Tulum, Cenote and Chichen Itza Travel Photos

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Much Ado About Tulum, Cenote and Chichen Itza Travel Photos

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travel, photos, mexico

It has been a while since I got out of the house. There have been a few changes in my house.

 artsy sister, tourism, photos

I do not want to bore you with my problems of the real world. The point is that I was looking at my travel photos.

 artsy sister, photos, travel

It is nice to look at them. I chose among them some that I liked a lot. These ones focus on my trip to Tulum and Chichen Itza.

 artsy sister, travel photos

Both places are Mayan ruins in Mexico. I went to Tulum a long time ago. So, I visited it a second time.

 artsy sister, photos

The first time I visited Tulum it was October. The weather was fair and a little windy. The second time I went there it was the middle of the summer.

 artsy sister, travel, photos

Boy! It was hot. It was super hot. The tour guide took us from shade tree to shade tree. It was impossible to survive without a little shade.

 artsy sister, travel, photos

If you visit Mexico during the summer, do bring an umbrella to the tours. Also take with you plenty of water.

 artsy sister, photos, travel

You are going to need it. I literally saw a few folks dropping dead due to the heat. They had to call an ambulance and everything.

 artsy sister, photos, travel

If they lived or died, I do not know. The overall point of this rant is that it was hot. I can understand why they did so many human sacrifices.

 artsy sister, cute, figurines

When it didn’t rain for months, they would whack a fellow in the head. One can only imagine that their brains were fried due to the heat.

 artsy sister, cute, pink

Maybe it did make sense back in the old days. Who knows? Well. I ranted enough about those Mayan ruins for one day.

 artsy sister, cute, figurine

I hope you like my travel photos. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

 artsy sister, cute, adorable

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