Orange Butterflies on Top of Dead Flower

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Orange Butterflies on Top of Dead Flower

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It has been a bit of a long time ago since I posted some new floral or bug photos. One of the photos I took was out of focus, which sucks. Still. I wanted to show you all the nice butterflies on top of the pretty dead flower.

The garden has gotten plenty of butterflies since I putted up those Mexican Sunflowers. They turned out pretty great, even the one that kept falling to the side.

There is one that is also sideways that keeps producing flowers. One of the plants does not inspire much confidence. Still, it is still blooming, so I let it be. During the mini Hurricane, two of the Sunflowers fell to the side.

artsy sister, orange butterflies,gardening

I added some sticks to help them stand up. This whole gardening thing is a work in progress as all. There is also the stupid cat to consider. One time, it was playing with the stem of the sunflower.

I don’t know what the big deal was. Anyhow, the orange butterflies like these pretty flowers the best. Sometimes they cluster around one of the dead buds. I don’t really know why they do the clustering thing.

The big yellow butterfly of Florida also visits from time to time. I have not been able to take a good photo of it. All in all, I wanted some variety in the flower bed, but only the orange Mexican sunflowers ended up doing well. The rest went the way of the dodo.

artsy sister, butterflies, gardening

Maybe the birds ate those seeds. Either way, there are some things that cannot be helped. Aside from the flowers, there has not been much going on in my life at the moment.

I started the next volume of Scary Cat. She is going to start in school. It was an idea suggested by my mother. In the first page, the cat ended up looking a little fatter than the first version of herself.

It matters not too much, the proportions can be fixed with photoshop, maybe. We did the Spanish and English version of the text already.

I am just trying to streamline the entire progress. The third volume is going to be another mystery style type of gig. I am still thinking about it. It is best not to get ahead of myself. One page at a time.

artsy sister, butterflies, sunflowers

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