Poinsettia Flowers at Sunset

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Poinsettia Flowers at Sunset

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Today, I have a little bit of peace and quiet. Enough to formulate a concrete thought. My dear brother is playing games in silence and mother is taking a well deserved nap. She is always much more sleepy during the day, than at night. This is Saturday. We usually set about cleaning the house.

I had an interesting dream last night. I am considering if it is worth turning into a short story. Other than a lot of random battles, there is nothing too particularly endearing about it. I think I will write the notes of it down before I forget it for good. I am now done with this task.

I have been thinking of making silly short videos using all my photos. I prefer photos over to movies. They are more usable as all. The weather is feeling a little bit hot and it doesn’t seem like it is going to rain anytime soon. Winter is almost over anyway. February is a short month as all.

I think there is a cold weather front coming our way. As for my books, I am making a good headway on the 11th book in the series. The whole gimmicky narration aspect makes it easy to work with. As of now, I have 44,000 words. I am only going to make it slightly longer than my shortest book.

The book is mainly about magic and more magical stuff. I already did the whole magic school for a couple of chapters in another book. I despise everything school related. You are going to get that feel a lot in my Lamina book. I am also one of the few writers who bothers to give fairies some sort of appearance.

Most fantasy books either have fairies or elves. They never have both at the same time. Those beings are not the same thing. The new air conditioner is working nicely. Tomorrow, we are going to have a lot of visitors. They are prospective clients for my brother’s website development thing.

artsy sister,poinsettia, teresita blanco

He is going to give them a real good deal because one of the clients is the Tax Lady. You never want to stiff the person who does your taxes, that is just stupid. I haven’t had to do taxes in a long time, because I barely make any money with the book thingy. It is one of those uphill battles.

Once you reach the top, it is sweet. On the meantime, it just seems to take forever. I want to buy more silly flowers. I want to plant some small colorful ones in a spot where there are not a lot. I still have to deal with the bad weeds. Everything is a work in progress.

For now, enjoy these beautiful flor de Pascua or Poinsettia. We planted those two years ago, and they have been lasting quite a long time. All but one turned red for us this winter. The other one I suppose gets too much sunlight. Anyhow, I photographed these flowers around sunset.

The sun rises in the back garden and sets in the front one. I have to keep this in mind when deciding my future planting arrangement. Not knowing about something has never stopped me from trying it. I learn as I do as the saying goes. All my teachers were terrible, so this is what I had to do to learn.

I am just being a slightly bit unfair. There are some notable exceptions. I would mention then, but the bad outweighs the good. Just thinking about it gives me a chip on my shoulder. So, moving along, I am just about done with my daily ramblings. I hope you enjoy these two photographs that I took.

I hope that the new flowers I buy last longer than the Gardenias I bought. They turned into a withered husk as soon as I planted them on the floor. Then again, I do not have the best of soil. I am doing whatever I can as I go along. I even added milk to change the PH of the soil.

The side effect is that the Hibiscus flowers haver started to turn orange. I do not know if it is good or bad. Still, it is something to consider. I saw a ladybug and a different kind of bee yesterday. The weird new bee does not sting. They live in a little hole, and they have a large territory, which is cute. I think this is indeed just about it. Teresita Blanco, over and out.

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