Pouring Art Cascade and Leftover Glowing Art

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Pouring Art Cascade and Leftover Glowing Art

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These are the last set of pouring arts. It is going to be another week before I get around to making a new pouring art. I used a lot of leftover paints in the final painting. 

When I ran out, I just added random colors. I added motion to the painting at the end. It looks nice. The first painting was a cascade of colors. I added the paints on one side. 

I then pulled the paint downward, until everything acquired color. It is all a matter of estimating how much paint you need. I made a video of my new pouring art.

You can see it in my Artsy Sister Youtube Channel. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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