Pouring Painting Synesthesia Blue Night Waltz and Leftover

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Pouring Painting Synesthesia Blue Night Waltz and Leftover

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This is the last synesthesia painting of the day. It features a blue Cascade of colors. These are all based on the waltz music that I was listening to. I added the colors over the top.

I also took care to paint the sides. It just makes it easier when finishing the artwork. I then swiped the paints down using a cake mold. This created quite the fun painting pattern.

The tooth of the mold created some interesting lines. The final artwork is just the leftover of all the painting sessions. I collected them inside a bottle. I then poured it again into a wooden panel. 

I find wooden panels better for making artworks. It just allow for the pouring paint to flow a lot more smoothly. Just add a single coat of gesso and then you are ready to paint over them.

I made videos of these artworks. You can see them in my Artsy Sister Youtube and Tiktok channels. Please like and subscribe. Anyhow, my name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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