Rudra Veena Music Instrument Anime Drawing

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Rudra Veena Music Instrument Anime Drawing

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Today, I wanted to talk a little bit about the Rudra Veena. It is also known as the Bin in Northern India.

It is a string instrument used in classic Hindu music. It is most commonly heard in dhrupad music. The instrument has a deep bass sound.

The instrument is quite ancient. It gained prominence in the 15th century during the reign of Zain-ul Abidin. After India became independent, the traditional patronage for the instrument stopped.

This contributed to its decline in popularity. These days there are very few players of the Rudra Veena. According to oral tradition, the instrument was created by the god Shiva.

He created it to entertain Gods. I hope you find amusing learning about this Hindu instrument. This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, Bye, and God bless.

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