Six Pouring Paintings Abstract Acrylic Art

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Six Pouring Paintings Abstract Acrylic Art

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Today, I wanted to show you my latest pouring paintings. I took two photographs of these paintings.

One of the photos features the painting wet, and the other dry. The first photographs show the dry paintings.

artsy sister, pouring painting, abstract

They are the finished version of my artworks. I frankly like better the paintings when they are wet. Acrylics always tend to dry in darker hues.

So, it is always better to work with bright colors. They will eventually turn darker once the paint dries. I am almost out of pouring paints.

 artsy sister, pouring painting, acrylic paintings

I haven’t bought any acrylics in a while. I also used up all my canvas boards. I need to get around to getting new paint supplies.

It is all part of my long to do list. I am very frugal with my painting projects. I have a paint bottle that is filled with all my leftover paints.

 artsy sister, pouring painting, abstract art

I try not to let anything go to waste. Once I am scrapping the bottom, I might even do a pouring painting with just the leftover paints.

In youtube and tiktok, I have short 1-minute videos that show how these pouring paintings were made. I used the swipe technique twice.

 artsy sister, pouring painting, abstract art

I also used the Dutch pouring technique a couple of times. The swipe technique uses a tool in order to move the paint around.

I used a beaded necklace in order to make the patterns of my blue and my orange flame paintings. The one that has five flowers was done with a mold, and Dutch pouring as well.

 artsy sister, acrylic painting, pouring art

Dutch pouring utilizes wind in order to move the paint. I use a straw and my human lungs to move the paint.

Other folks prefer to use a blow dryer. I use my lungs because I am cheap, and I am biting a cable.

 artsy sister, pouring painting, abstract art

Biting a cable is a Cuban phrase, that means that times are tough.

All in all, it is important to just keep swimming, just keep swimming. You only truly lose when you give up.

 artsy sister, pouring painting, abstract art

The sideways looking painting was done using gravity.

It is important to have paints with good flow, in order to get it all to look nicely.

 artsy sister, pouring art, abstract art

I collected all the paints in a little cap.

I then used it to make that green puddle painting.

 artsy sister, pouring painting, acrylic art

I think I ranted about my pouring paintings enough.

I hope I gave you some ideas as to how to make these paintings, in an affordable fashion.

 artsy sister, pouring painting, acrylic art

This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

 artsy sister, pouring painting, acrylic arts

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