Ten Nintendo Games Review: Chip n Dale, Ninja Gaiden, Terminator 2

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Ten Nintendo Games Review: Chip n Dale, Ninja Gaiden, Terminator 2

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Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers Action Nintendo Game Review

The Chip 'N Dale Nintendo game is pretty cute. It is a two-player game. You basically fight some bad guys by throwing them apples. I forget what the final boss of this Game is.

Frankly, it I do not remember playing it much. Perhaps, because I had to return the Nintendo game early. I only have a vague memory of this Nintendo game. I do remember that it was good. 

Ninja Gaiden II Action Nintendo Games Reviews

Ninja Gaiden II is the first game I played of the Ninja Gaiden series. I do remember sinking by teeth into the first part. However, it was not too good of a game.

Basically, this game is about a Ninja guy ought to kill some bad guy and his ninja clan. I forget much of the storyline. I frankly did not know a word of English when I played this game. That is the great thing about Nintendo games. You do not need to know the language to play them.

They are a like math, universal. All these Nintendo Games are pretty straight forward. What is important is the game play and the powers. The grunts and the bosses are pretty hard to beat in this Nintendo game.

You sorta get powers as you go along. Best save them. Like a regular Ninja, you climb the walls and roofs. You need to have quick reflexes for this game. Overall, it is a pretty difficult game.

Ninja Gaiden III Nintendo Game Review

In Ninja Gaiden III, the storyline revolves around saving a girl. The design of the girl is like an 80s chick. Nothing too far out there, but cute, nonetheless. The worlds are much harder than in Ninja Gaiden I and II.

I used to lose a lot of lives in the rain world. The game gets harder when you have to analyze wind direction. The wind in that world either makes or breaks your falls.

As for his ninja powers, I like best his shadow clone abilities. I think Naruto copied this ability from this game. Other than that, he has all the same powers as in the Previous Ninja Gaiden games.

I think he might have had others; however, I do not remember them. You know, you guys should cut me some slack. I played this game like 10 years ago. Still, what makes a game memorable is how long it stays in the player's mind.

Terminator 2 Nintendo Games Review

The game was really quite memorable. It follows to the letter the Terminator 2 movie. We played this game shortly after watching the movie. The first mission was outside the bar.

The Terminator made his way to the guy he robbed of his attire. This boss was pretty big. After this mission the nightmare begins! Seriously, the hardest world is the motorcycle vs Truck world.

We had to shoot the T1000's truck while dodging the cars. We also had to keep an eye on the fences. You had to shoot straight at the center or else you crash. When you rescue John Conner, he makes you swear never to kill a guy. Thus, you loose points whenever you shoot someone in the face.

In the hospital world, it was the first time the Liquid Terminator made his appearance. He would show up whenever you took too long to save Sarah Conner.

However, you did have to wonder a lotto find HP ups and ammo. After this world, we go to Skynet. This is the hardest world of this game. It is really hard to take down an entire building. The Swat team shot at you often. To make matters worse, lazers where shot from the roof cameras.

The last world was at the factory. Here we kinda defeated the liquid Terminator once. However, the game would not end. We sorta figured that we had to die like in the movie.

We jumped into the first acid pool we found. It’s too bad that when we did that we were down to our last live. Well, this ends our Terminator 2 gaming experience. It was a really fun Nintendo game.

Bubble Bobble Nintendo Games Review

Bubble Bobble is a cute arcade style Nintendo game. Basically, you go from world to world defeating monsters. You trap them in Bubbles and then you step on them.

This releases some yummy food that you eat for points. You can only move onto the next world after eating all the bad guys. This game is really long. It has more than 100 difficult levels.

The trick to winning this Nintendo Game is to remember the passwords. However, the passwords do not save your points. I never won all the worlds. My good friend game the password that would allow me to enter the final worlds.

The final boss was really hard. Luckily, I had my brother as a second player. Together we won this cute little chibi game. I made a lot of good memories with this game.

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River City Ransom Nintendo Games Review

River City Ransom is another two player Nintendo game that I played with my brother. Basically, two brothers or friends are trying to rescue a girl from a gangster.

At least, that is what I could make out of the storyline. I did not speak English at the time I played the game. However, that never stopped me from playing a good game.

Among the memorable things in this game were the boss battles. Those random bosses were pretty interesting. You needed to pick up some weapons before going to battle.

They were really hard to beat without them. Other than that, there was the food. I forget what the food was for. I simply fed them often because they looked funny eating. 

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Nintendo Games Review

I cannot mention in specific any of the parts of this game. I do remember that there was a lot of fighting. Plus, Splinter got kidnapped practically in every part. These games were all two players.

I liked using best Raphael. However, Donatello was more useful in battle. In the long run, I got farther into the games with Donatello. In the third part of this game, they introduced certain overdrive like moves.

Basically, the TMNT performed massive moves in exchange for HP. I liked Raphael's twirly attack a lot. However, this always spelled his early demise. It was a gamble, to say the least. 

Metroid Prime Game Cube Game Review

I only played this game once for a few hours. My friend had his file toward the end. It was only the first time, but I tried to defeat the final boss. The first part of the final boss was pretty big.

You had to turn into a small sphere to evade is rampage. The final form was a cool blue octopus. It changed colors often. Thus, you had to change your optics to keep tract of the monsters.

At times you stepped inside a blue pool that powered up your buster gun. I tried to defeat it twice. However,  I ran out time and had to go home. Still for the little bit I played of the game I must say that Metriod Prime was memorable.

Super Mario Nintendo 64 Game Review

This super Mario game was a bit silly. It did not have Luigi and I rarely saw the princess. Basically, you go to the castle and the worlds are inside paintings. There are others inside holes or underwater.

For the most part, you simply went world from world. You also fought King Kopa several times. You basically grab his tail and throw him inside the lava. His levels are really hard. You have to avoid falling into the lava.

Plus, you can die from a huge fall. This world usually involves climbing up. Thus, there is a huge chance that you fall to your death. The water worlds are problematic because you drown.

However, Mario never drowned in Super Mario 3. This drowning thing is a new development; someone's brilliant idea of adding realism to the game. Seriously!! How quaint..! Super Mario has always been anything, but realistic.

The day Super Mario becomes realistic that will be the day he stops being super. Realism is ordinary. All in all, it was a fun gaming experience.

 Chrono Saga Super Nintendo Game Review

Chrono Saga is an interesting little game. The version that they lent me happened to be in Italian. I had it a while and did not feel like returning it until I finished it. I figured that Italian and Spanish are very similar.

Thus, I played this game in another language. I really had no idea what the storyline was about. I got pretty far by half understanding things. The funny thing was that after playing thing RPG game for so long, I started to dream in Italian.

Hehehe... It was hilarious not understanding a single word in your dream. In any case, the game was pretty interesting. You got to travel a lot and see strange monsters. It was like a regular FF RPG game.

I eventually reached a spot where I was not able to figure out what to do. So, that was that was the last time I bothered to play the game.

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