The Butterflies in My Garden

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The Butterflies in My Garden

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These are two photos I took of the butterflies in my garden. The first three were standing still a lot, so it was easy. The orange one I had to follow till it eventually settled down. These butterflies are the regular residents in my house. The trees that normally produce their nectar are not looking too sharp.

There has not been a lot of rain during the winter. To remedy this, I have gotten into the habit of watering the plants every day. I water them a little and often. I do not repeat the exercise when the rains come. So far, it has been working rather nicely. The main issue is the soil has a lot of drainage.

butterflies,artsy sister,gardening

Whatever water is placed there usually goes away like super quickly. As of lately, gardening photos have been the only ones I bother to take. I find the back garden to be a little undaunting. It is not my favorite place to hang out. I keep wandering if there are snakes hiding in the ferns.

So far, I have not ran into one. We did see one a long time ago. We called the guys, but they wanted like 500 bucks to get rid of a single snake. I thought they were stiffing us, so we decided to let the snake be. The snake after getting its fill continued on its way, or so I imagine.

If not, we have a pet snake. Being from Cuba, we never developed a fear of snakes. The only snakes we ever saw were usually found on the television or at school. This is enough about snakes and butterflies. I hope you find these new photos I took entertaining.

artsy sister,butterflies,teresita blanco

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