How To Start A Candle

How To


How To Start A Candle Business: Step-by-step guide how I went from making $0 to $200,000 a month in under a year selling candles Author: Heintschel, MatthewBinding: PaperbackNumber Of Pages: 104Release Date: 26-03-2019Details: Do you want to start your very own candle business? Starting

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Author: Heintschel, Matthew

Binding: Paperback

Number Of Pages: 104

Release Date: 26-03-2019

Details: Do you want to start your very own candle business? Starting a business can be very difficult if you don’t know where to start. This book is a step-by-step guide on exactly what Matthew did to see explosive growth is his candle business and how you can too! If you are just looking for a book on how to make candles, this is not for you! This book focuses on how to jumpstart your business in to a money generating machine! Whether you are looking to escape you 9-5 or to have a serious money making side hustle, this will teach you the tricks to generating an income in the candle industry. Essential Money Making Steps covered in this book:-What to sell-How to differentiate your brand-Creating a candle that leads to rapid growth-How to get your candle in stores-Master art fairs-Creating an online store-How to create engaging advertisements for as little as $2 a day! -And much more! Who is Matthew Heintschel? Matthew is an expert in the candle industry and is known for creating one of the fastest growing candle companies in the country. In just a few months he took a business that had $0 in sales to generating over $200,000 a month in sales! After selling his candle business, he has turned and dedicated his time to helping others achieve their dream in the candle industry.

Package Dimensions: 7.9 x 4.9 x 0.4 inches

Languages: English

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