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About Tempera

Tempera has become quite common place. It is typically found in school. I painted some of my early works with tempera. Despite being considered kid’s paint, Tempera has a long rich history. There are many medieval masterpieces painted with egg tempera. Tempera is a fast drying paint made with egg yolk. It was originally used by the Egyptians to decorate the sarcophagus. It was also used to paint the Fayum mummy portraits. The technique was also used in India’s rock cut temples. It has been discovered and used in both Asia and Europe. It became quite in popular during the Byzantine period and the Early Renaissance period. All the surviving Michelangelo paintings were made with egg tempera. It is a wonder why the egg temperas is no longer popular. Now, everything is acrylic this and that. The long and short of it is that I decided to add a section for tempera. I hope you find it useful for your projects.