Cross Stitch for Soul:

Sewing Pattern


Cross Stitch for the Soul: 20 designs to inspire Author: Congdon, EmmaBrand: David & CharlesEdition: IllustratedBinding: PaperbackFormat: IllustratedNumber Of Pages: 112Release Date: 28-04-2020Details: Product Description Craft your own comfort

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Author: Congdon, Emma

Brand: David & Charles

Edition: Illustrated

Binding: Paperback

Format: Illustrated

Number Of Pages: 112

Release Date: 28-04-2020

Details: Product Description Craft your own comfort with these uplifting cross stitch quotes. Cross Stitch for the Soul is a collection of beautifully designed motivational and inspirational quotes rendered in easy cross-stitching techniques that will raise the spirits, both during the making process and beyond, as gifts for loved ones or as treasured pictures on the wall.  Cross stitch is a wonderfully calming and mindful occupation, a chance to slow down, embrace the process and create something beautiful. The 20 designs in this collection feature quotes that will resonate with anyone in need of a little boost. Designed by leading cross stitch designer Emma Congdon, aka Stitchrovia, whose modern styling appeals to crafters of all ages and abilities, these inspiring quotes will provide comfort, motivation and an all-round positive spin on life, reminding us that we are brave, strong and have the power to make our own futures – one stitch at a time! About the Author Emma is a multidisciplinary designer based in London. Her cross stitch designs are featured extensively in magazines in the US and UK such as Cross Stitcher, World of Cross Stitch and Cross Stitch Crazy. Alongside her commission based work she also owns and runs her own cross stitch design business, Stitchrovia.

Package Dimensions: 10.6 x 8.3 x 0.6 inches

Languages: English

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