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miami beach, photo, surfing, windsurfing -

This is just another one of those kite surfing photos I have. There really isn't much to get amused by in Miami Beach. There was for a while horse, but they have gone the way of the mammoth. The place were those events took place became a tad expensive and now all the beaches are privatized. Frankly, it has become cheaper to vacation in another country than in the actual US. So, when you get a chance get out of the  country a bit and see the world. Just be careful with all the pickpockets that usually roam in those...

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fairy, photo -

I was looking through some of my old photos and I found this cute one featuring fairy figurines. Each of them looks different from the other. I do not think the store is still there. Then again, it has been quite the number of years since I last visited Bayside in Miami Beach. A lot of mini cruises get out from there. I like the place for all the cute little mix stores like this ones. The last time I visited the place it was taking a turn for the mundane. One does get tired of seeing the same stores...

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miami beach, photo -

I do not know why people find seagulls so freaking interesting. Everyone I ever seen at the beach always ends up taking a photo of a seagull. I guess I take the silly birds for granted. My family always went to the beach often. Eventually, everything started looking the same. I guess you go to a place so much and you end up getting bored of it. I am already bored of the beach, and even the pool no longer humors me. Maybe that is a part of growing up. Things you used to enjoy become really boring. I feel...

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miami beach, photo -

This is a black and white photo, with a slight color isolation. There was only the golden color to be found in this photo. I was playing around with the settings of the camera. This is the photo that came out. One would think there would be more golden in the world. Oh, well, I thought it was an interesting little project. I wanted to post something, to not leave the website unattended.  I have been working on my paintings. I tend to be done with each little artwork in about two days. This is due to my lack of...

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blue, photo, wallpaper -

This is another one of the photos I took trying out the gimmicks of my camera. I call it Blue Isolation. There is no need to explain why it is call so. For those who do not take the hint, it means that I isolated the color blue. It is a bit redundant. It still gives the semblance of being something deep. Titles tend to do wonders for works that are not too impressive. Sometimes, written works by the title alone get read. It is not the first time I have been disappointed by a title. I prefer works without...

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