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drawing, sketch, video -

The first drawing features a maiden hugging a large heart. I thought it was a cute and simple idea. I then added other little hearts for effect. I ended up calling it Love Lettuce cause the dress ended up looking like a Lettuce. I have been working on making some cute drawing Youtube videos. I am getting back into the Youtube thing. I have an old account that after dusting off a bit, has been serving me well. I just need work with things here and there in order to get back on track. You gain a follower here, and...

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anime, art, drawing, sketch -

I was looking through my art supplies to make new product descriptions when I ran into this sketchbook. I could not find the brand for it, so instead I decided to feature it in the blog. I bought this in FIU around 2009. I was bored in class, and the teacher did not allow computers in class. It seems a bit juvenile that teachers continue with the same nonsense even in college. After all, students  and Uncle Sam are paying for the classes. Who cares if they want to waste their time and not pay attention? Frankly, college felt like...

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art, drawing, sketch -

This is one of my early drawings from High School. This was my language art teacher Mrs. Sanchez. She wanted to be a singer, but had to settle for teaching. I used to always doodle in the side of my composition book. To manage the chaos, she gave me my first sketch pad, and first drawing pencil. I made that portrait on a slow day.  I cannot say this meant much at the time, or even now. I was bored at school, and this was something to do. She was standing still a lot, looking at a movie or something,...

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