Sleepy People in FIU

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Sleepy People in FIU

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I was looking through my art supplies to make new product descriptions when I ran into this sketchbook. I could not find the brand for it, so instead I decided to feature it in the blog. I bought this in FIU around 2009. I was bored in class, and the teacher did not allow computers in class. It seems a bit juvenile that teachers continue with the same nonsense even in college. After all, students  and Uncle Sam are paying for the classes. Who cares if they want to waste their time and not pay attention?

Frankly, college felt like a continuation of high school. Everyone had the same bored look and some were even falling asleep in class. This is the next generation of professionals. I just noticed that most of the ones I sketched were chicks. Most of the university students in FIU I noticed were women. Then again, I was doing journalism. The school is filled with women studying to be journalists.  

Funny that almost all the teachers were men. Normally, people would say something deep at this point. Frankly, I was just trying to get my diploma, just giving on step forward at a time, as the classes kept getting more expensive. After all, someone has to pay for all the construction projects in FIU.

This all began with the new Dean. He must have a family member working in construction. So, if you want to pay for a bunch of construction projects and be in school forever FIU is the school for you. Other universities might be the same. Just know that if you see a construction project in your school, you will be the one paying for it. 

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