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Karina Book Lesson 8: The Unbelievable Truth
After getting married, Karina took a break from the schooling nonsense. Her wedding was announced to the school in a little corner of the newspaper. All schools ran their own little presses. Most of the news printed were exaggerated gossips. The one in Karina’s school was no different. Those who ran the newspaper were allowed to make money, they were always looking for the next scoop. It had been a busy weekend, and Karina’s small wedding was not something that sold. Good news rarely warranted the public’s interest. Marduke was not a fan of the newspaper nonsense, but he allowed...
Karina Fantasy Book Lesson 4: Utopias and Other Nonsense
An Earth week passed before the class was assemble. Marduke was hearing from the observers that his popularity was dropping. The bored army people had been wandering about, and as a result they were starting to terrorize the people they were supposed to protect. After playing games a bit, Marduke came up with a brilliant idea, he would steal from a neighbor something crazy and useless, but visually appealing. In doing so, he would give his dragon riders something to do. He also started the development of executioners. The title was just a fancy word for vigilante. Those with the...
Karina Lesson 3: The Most Beautiful Moth in the World and the Owl
After departing from the bar, Karina returned home quite satisfied with herself and her little lesson. Lucian and Carmenta felt a little guilty about leaving. Carmenta felt she should have rudely brought the items to the dancers. Lucian did not know how to handle the situation, but he at least felt that Karina did not do the right thing. His opinion was also shared by Marduke. As soon as she opened the door, she found her brother sitting before her on a very angry looking throne. The throne was Vindkald. He had seen what had occurred, and he had taken...
Chalon Chapter 6 The Resurrection of a Lizard Fantasy Book
Chalon did as it was requested of him. Together they walked towards the graveyard. There were about 4 graveyards in the city. There were about 6 others in the outskirts as well. As was to be expected of a growing city, space had become somewhat of a premium. Those that could afford it had their families buried within the protective walls. Meanwhile, the others had to bury the dead outside the walls or in their back garden. It wasn’t illegal to burry your dead in the garden. It still wasn’t encouraged either. Whenever a family moved into one of such...