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I am writing a new sci fi book. I will probably finish it before the fall. It has 15 chapters. It is going to have between 60,000 to 65,000 words. I like to give a bit of wiggle room to trim the fat. I usually trim 5000 words of fat. The tone is mystery, with a light bit of comedy. It is a genre deconstruction of human turned robot. I am not done with it yet. Anyhow, I said enough about it for one day. Bye.

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I started reading my books for Youtube. The Short stories and poems are already done. I recently finished reading the novel The House. You can hear the entire book in my Artsy Sister channel. I hope you find it amusing.

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Today, I wanted to write about my writing. I am not going to bore you with my writing process per say. Rather, I am going to tell you about my future book projects. First and foremost, I need to get around to finishing the Sacred Mask 5. I only need four chapters to conclude the book. After the Sacred Mask 5, I am going to add two new books to the Lover’s Pentacle series. I already have a general plot idea for book 3 and 4. The hilarity continues. The fourth part might the last part of the Lover’s Pentacle....

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I wanted to give you a progress report of my books. I am almost halfway done with my Sacred Mask 5 book. If you are an Amazon Kindle Reader, you are getting the Sacred Mask 5. If you are a Barnes and Noble Nook reader, you are getting the Sacred Mask 10, 11 and 12. I like to give Barnes and Nobles my books in shorter editions. I am beta testing something. There is no need to overthink it. My new book is the first one that follows the Romantic misadventures of a Myrmidon. I introduced Myrmidons in my Sacred...

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If you own a Nook, rejoice! Teresita Blanco books are getting published in the Nook library. These are the latest editions of my novels. They come with new front covers, and titles. Teresita Blanco | Barnes & Noble® ( They are also 5000 words shorter. I am a big fan of the less is more approach. I am always trimming the fat of all my books. The Saturnastra series is now called the Wonderer Saga. The Sacred Mask is now Sacred Mask. I removed the word “the” from the title. I added a subtitle to the book series. The Sacred...

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