work in progress RSS
Book Update: The Lovers Pentacle 4
I am almost halfway done with my new book. This one focus more in the relationship of Carina and her boyfriend Bruno. I could tell you more about the plot, but it is a work in progress. This one is a little less dark than the previous book I wrote. At least, I am trying to give it a bit of levity. I do not like being grim all the time. Anyhow, I hope you like.
What am I writing Now? Lover’s Pentacle 3
I wanted to give you a short status update on my writing. I recently finished the Sacred Mask 5. The series is going to be on ice for the time being. One could almost say that I ran out of ideas for it. While I wait for inspiration to come, I am going to write a new Lover’s Pentacle. I already have two Lovers book already planned in the back of my head. Now, it is just a matter of sitting down and writing the story. The good thing about series is that once you get a feel for it,...
Sacred Mask 5 Complete Now Begins Editing
I finally got around to completing the Sacred Mask 5. Right now, I am in the editing process. Editing a book is not just about grammar and spell check. It is about trimming the fat. When you are rereading your own book, you notice problems that you didn’t see before. It also helps to read the book out loud. The eye has a way of making it seem like you spelled things correctly. It is only when you read your book at loud, that you realize that there is a problem. Aside from editing the book, I need to get...
New Book Projects, Prequels and Other Ideas
Today, I wanted to write about my writing. I am not going to bore you with my writing process per say. Rather, I am going to tell you about my future book projects. First and foremost, I need to get around to finishing the Sacred Mask 5. I only need four chapters to conclude the book. After the Sacred Mask 5, I am going to add two new books to the Lover’s Pentacle series. I already have a general plot idea for book 3 and 4. The hilarity continues. The fourth part might the last part of the Lover’s Pentacle....
The Lovers Pentacle 2 in the Editing Phase
My new book is finally in the editing phase. I am satisfied with the ending and the plot. All that is left is for me to trim the fat. It is common for me to take out entire pages. I like to remove useless scenes in order to keep my book, tight and concise. I follow the school of less is more approach. If the scene isn’t amusing or important, then I remove it. I also need to design the front cover. I think I will be able to publish the new book by April. I think I ranted enough...