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For two days only, more than 30 plus of my books are going to be free on the Kindle. You do not need the Kindle Unlimited for this offer. Complete List. Teresita Blanco: books, biography, latest update My Vampire Brother’s Keeper My Sweet Vampire Candice The Chiblia in the Beginning The Lover’s Pentacle 1-5 KC2 Cassius  Gatico Miedoso y la Casa Embrujada, Y El Mysterio de el Woo, Y El Mimo, Va a La Escuela, Scary Cat and the Missing Cellphone, Spooky Mansion, Mystery of the Ooh, Goes to School, Birthday Mime,   The furies v1-9 Saturnastra Chicot, Melina,...

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Black Friday Teresita Blanco Free Ebook Promo 11/29 -12/1 This Black Friday Weekend, more than 20 of my books are going to be free on the Kindle. You do not need the Kindle Unlimited for this Promo. Complete List below: Teresita Blanco: books, biography, latest update My Vampire Brother's Keeper (NEW BOOK) My Sweet Vampire Candice The House The Cliblia in the Beginning Scary Cat and Birthday Mime Scary Cat and the Spooky Mansion Complete Short Stories The Lovers Pentacle 1-5 KC2 Cassius The Sacred Mask 1-5 Saturnastra Chalon, Nalini, Karina, Rimaru, Lamina, Deasura, Monkey King, Chicot, Melina

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For two days only, most of my books are going to be free on the Kindle. You do not need the Kindle Unlimited for this promo. The Lovers Pentacle 1-5 KC2 Cassius The House  Complete Short Stories My Sweet Vampire Candice Saturnastra Woden, Monkey King, Deasura, Lamina, Rimaru, Chalon, Nalini, Karina, Ahi, Loki The Furies 1-9 The Chiblia v1, v2 Sacred Mask 2, 5, 4, 1 Scary Cat Goes to School, Gatico Miedoso Y la Casa Embrujada, Gatico Miedoso y el Mimo, Scary Cat and the Missing Cellphone, Scary Cat and the Spooky Mansion, Scary Cat and the Search for...

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I published a new Lover’s Pentacle book. To celebrate the new book, more than 30 of my books are going to be free on the Kindle. You don’t need the Kindle Unlimited for this promo. Complete List below: The Lover’s Pentacle 1, 2, 3, 5  KC2 Cassius The Sacred Mask 1, 3, 4 Teresita’s Complete Works 22 Cuentos Primordial Chaos My Sweet Vampire Candice Complete Short Stories The Furies v9, V8, V7, V6, V5, V3, V4, V1 The Chiblia V2, V3 La Casa Gatico Miedoso y La Casa Embrujada, Y el Mimo, Va a la Escuela, Y El Misterio...

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For two days only, more than 30 of my books are going to be available at no cost on the Kindle. You don’t need the Kindle Unlimited for this offer. Teresita Blanco: books, biography, latest update Complete List KC2 Cassius My Sweet Vampire Candice The Sacred Mask 1-5 The Lovers Pentacle 1-4 Scary Cat and Birthday Mime Scary Cat and the Search for the Ooohh Gatico Miedoso Y La Casa Embrujada Gatico Miedoso Y El Mysterio del Ohh Gatico Miedoso Y el Mimo Gatico Miedoso Va a la escuela Complete Short Stories The furies 1-3, 5-9 The Chiblia 1-3...

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