Christmas RSS

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Yesterday, we finally got around to putting up the Christmas tree. We tend to use the plastic one. Some of the lights on the bottom got a little busted. Still, you have to look real close to notice. As for the ornaments, we had to buy a bunch of new ones. The ones we had in the storage shed got all moldy. The issue is that we are using the storage shed that came with the house. When it got moved, it got seriously damaged. From time to time, water gets inside. I do not like going in there. I...

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Christmas, cute, drawing -

This is a little drawing I made a couple of weeks ago. It has been a while since I posted new drawings to the website. The outfit of this maiden looked pretty interesting, and so I drew it. The original maiden was from the US, and the date is the start of the 20th century. A lot of things have changed over the past 100 years. Thought lately, it all feels pretty stagnated. Nothing seems to have taken a great leap forward. I guess it feels like this since we are living in this time. Take a couple centuries and...

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