My Christmas Tree

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My Christmas Tree

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Yesterday, we finally got around to putting up the Christmas tree. We tend to use the plastic one. Some of the lights on the bottom got a little busted. Still, you have to look real close to notice. As for the ornaments, we had to buy a bunch of new ones. The ones we had in the storage shed got all moldy. The issue is that we are using the storage shed that came with the house. When it got moved, it got seriously damaged. From time to time, water gets inside. I do not like going in there. I always find an army or lizards or something much worse. During the hurricane, it was a miracle that the wind did not take it.

It still has a bit of a dent on the roof. I have been thinking of getting a new one. They are not all that expensive. The price ranges from 3000 bucks to 300. We can possibly find something in between. This all chucks into things we have to get in the near future. I have been thinking a bit about tile floors. I find them rather beautiful. The first floor should always have tiles. If the place gets flooded, tile floors do not get harmed. As far as flooding is concerned, this house survived a couple of hurricanes without suffering from it. I am not a bit fan about thinking about it.

It was just really hot as all. Now, back to the Christmas tree. The only thing that survived from the original set  was the tree, the nativity set and the crown. We ended up going out to get some cheap looking ornaments. It was a good a time as any to get around to it. We ended up making a red and white tree. All the ornaments we found were balls and ribbons. This is just about all we used. It ended up looking rather nicely. Still, I feel like we ended up using a bit too many balls. I took this photo close to morning. I had to take a photo from the side, to make the camera focus on the tree. I need to mess with the settings, to make the camera a bit more responsive. The long and short of it, is that I am a bit mellowed out.

We usually put up the Christmas tree in the Sunday before Thanksgiving. We noticed this thanks to Facebook. When it was digging up the memories of last year, it summoned the photos of the Christmas tree. So, if you are into the holiday season, I hope you find my Christmas tree picture a bit. The photo I took with my Fujifilm Finepix S1 camera. I hope you spend the holiday season with somebody you care about. If all you have is a cat, have fun as well. As for me, I think I am going to just spend it with my peeps, and my doll too. See you later.

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