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LOL Surprise Dolls in Blue Demin Dress Photos
Today, I took some photos of my LOL Surprise dolls. Think of it as a little bonus photoshoot. On Monday, I doll bjd doll photoshoots. So, I figured I would photograph my other dolls as well. I lose nothing by it. Only time. I kept the set a little simple. I used my vanity with the mirror as a background. Both dolls are styling different versions of the Demin dress. I took a standing, a sitting and portrait photo. I also photographed the little dolls together. This gives you the perfect look...
LOL Surprise Dolls Floral Black Dress Photoshoot
I had these LOL Surprise Dolls lying about my house. Normally, I would use them as support dolls for my stop motion videos. When I got bored of stop motion, they sorta faded into the background. After not thinking very much, I decided to give them the same treatment as my BJD dolls. You are now going to get a weekly LOL Surprise doll photoshoot. This photoshoot is going to be at a smaller scale. These dolls have quite the limited range of motions. They are going to wear similar dresses. Then, I am going to...