LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

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LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

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artsy sister

This is my new LOL Surprise photoshoot.

artsy sister

They might become more sparse as time passes.

 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

I am running out of new outfits for the dolls.

 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

After the taxes, I sadly won’t be able to update their wardrobe for a while.

 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

This is more the pity. Alas, this is just what we have to deal with.

 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

I am not going to bore you anymore with my real world problems.

 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

Go DOGO Coins! GO! Now, I am just talking stupid again.

 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

I took standing, sitting and portrait photos of these dolls.

 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

I also posted in my Artsy sister Youtube and Tiktok Channels a short.

 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

I hope that you find these photos amusing.

 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

Let’s move things along, shall we.

 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

It is a doll photoshoot.

 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

There isn’t much to be said about it.

 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister.

 artsy sister

Bye, bye and God bless.

 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

I hope u like.

 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses


 artsy sister LOL Surprise in Pink and Purple Chic Dresses

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