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About Wall Art

artsy sister,wall art,la menina

I recently decided to add some wall arts. I started with my favorite paintings. I then added some abstract nonsense that people seem to like a lot. I do not know what is the big deal about abstract painting. I suppose it is just something relatable as all. Florals are also a big deal as far as art deco is concerned.

The prices of the wall arts range from cheap to downright expensive. The later is useful for people who can afford an arm and a leg. As for the wall art featured, it is just something that mother person got from a friend. It is nothing expensive. I just liked that it looked cool.

As such, I decided to use it as the decoration for the wall art section. I suppose I should have used some of my own paintings. I am still not in a selling my own paintings type of mood. I might eventually get around to it. If I do sell them, you will see them in Artsy’s Choice. Anyhow, aside from hand painted works, I also added art prints.

I hope you find them useful for your home décor and whatnot. I think this is just about it as far as the description of this collection goes. Frankly, I just wanted to show you the new silly paintings my mom got for our home décor. It got me thinking that people might want wall décor as well. Artsy Sister is all about art stuff, so it makes sense that I add Wall Art for my peeps. I hope you like my selection.